Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum.

Kawalleck P, Somssich IE, Feldbrügge M, Hahlbrock K, Weisshaar B (1993)
Plant Molecular Biology 21(4): 673-684.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kawalleck, P.; Somssich, I.E.; Feldbrügge, M.; Hahlbrock, K.; Weisshaar, BerndUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Ubiquitin is an omnipresent protein found in all eukaryotes so far analysed. It is involved in several important processes, including protein turnover, chromosome structure and stress response. Parsley (Petroselinum crispum) contains at least two active polyubiquitin (ubi4) genes encoding hexameric precursor proteins. The deduced amino acid sequences of the ubiquitin monomers are identical to one another and to ubiquitin sequences from several other plant species. Analysis of the promoter region of one ubi4 gene revealed putative regulatory elements. In parsley plants, the ubi4 mRNAs were the predominant ubiquitin mRNAs and were present at comparable levels in all plant organs tested. In cultured parsley cells, high levels of ubiquitin gene expression remained unaffected by heat shock, elicitor or light treatment.
Plant Molecular Biology
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Kawalleck P, Somssich IE, Feldbrügge M, Hahlbrock K, Weisshaar B. Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum. Plant Molecular Biology. 1993;21(4):673-684.
Kawalleck, P., Somssich, I. E., Feldbrügge, M., Hahlbrock, K., & Weisshaar, B. (1993). Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum. Plant Molecular Biology, 21(4), 673-684. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00014550
Kawalleck, P., Somssich, I.E., Feldbrügge, M., Hahlbrock, K., and Weisshaar, Bernd. 1993. “Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum.”. Plant Molecular Biology 21 (4): 673-684.
Kawalleck, P., Somssich, I. E., Feldbrügge, M., Hahlbrock, K., and Weisshaar, B. (1993). Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum. Plant Molecular Biology 21, 673-684.
Kawalleck, P., et al., 1993. Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum. Plant Molecular Biology, 21(4), p 673-684.
P. Kawalleck, et al., “Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum.”, Plant Molecular Biology, vol. 21, 1993, pp. 673-684.
Kawalleck, P., Somssich, I.E., Feldbrügge, M., Hahlbrock, K., Weisshaar, B.: Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum. Plant Molecular Biology. 21, 673-684 (1993).
Kawalleck, P., Somssich, I.E., Feldbrügge, M., Hahlbrock, K., and Weisshaar, Bernd. “Polyubiquitin gene expression and structural properties of the ubi4-2 gene in Petroselinum crispum.”. Plant Molecular Biology 21.4 (1993): 673-684.

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