Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube
Ivanov N, Schnack J, Schnalle R, Richter J, Koegerler P, Newton GN, Cronin L, Oshima Y, Nojiri H (2010)
Physical Review Letters 105(3): 37206.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Ivanov, NedkoUniBi;
Schnack, JürgenUniBi
Schnalle, RomanUniBi;
Richter, Johannes;
Koegerler, Paul;
Newton, Graham N.;
Cronin, Leroy;
Oshima, Yugo;
Nojiri, Hiroyuki

Abstract / Bemerkung
We report on theoretical and experimental results concerning the low-temperature specific heat of the frustrated spin-tube material [(CuCl(2)tachH)(3)Cl]Cl-2 (tach denotes 1,3,5-triaminocyclohexane). This substance turns out to be an unusually perfect spin-tube system which allows to study the physics of quasione- dimensional antiferromagnetic structures in rather general terms. An analysis of the specific-heat data demonstrates that at low enough temperatures the system exhibits a Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid behavior corresponding to an effective spin-3/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain with short-range exchange interactions. On the other hand, around 2 K the composite spin structure of the chain is revealed through a Schottky-type peak in the specific heat. We argue that the dominating contribution to the peak originates from gapped magnon-type excitations related to the internal degrees of freedom of the rung spins.
Physical Review Letters
Page URI
Ivanov N, Schnack J, Schnalle R, et al. Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube. Physical Review Letters. 2010;105(3): 37206.
Ivanov, N., Schnack, J., Schnalle, R., Richter, J., Koegerler, P., Newton, G. N., Cronin, L., et al. (2010). Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube. Physical Review Letters, 105(3), 37206. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.037206
Ivanov, Nedko, Schnack, Jürgen, Schnalle, Roman, Richter, Johannes, Koegerler, Paul, Newton, Graham N., Cronin, Leroy, Oshima, Yugo, and Nojiri, Hiroyuki. 2010. “Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube”. Physical Review Letters 105 (3): 37206.
Ivanov, N., Schnack, J., Schnalle, R., Richter, J., Koegerler, P., Newton, G. N., Cronin, L., Oshima, Y., and Nojiri, H. (2010). Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube. Physical Review Letters 105:37206.
Ivanov, N., et al., 2010. Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube. Physical Review Letters, 105(3): 37206.
N. Ivanov, et al., “Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube”, Physical Review Letters, vol. 105, 2010, : 37206.
Ivanov, N., Schnack, J., Schnalle, R., Richter, J., Koegerler, P., Newton, G.N., Cronin, L., Oshima, Y., Nojiri, H.: Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube. Physical Review Letters. 105, : 37206 (2010).
Ivanov, Nedko, Schnack, Jürgen, Schnalle, Roman, Richter, Johannes, Koegerler, Paul, Newton, Graham N., Cronin, Leroy, Oshima, Yugo, and Nojiri, Hiroyuki. “Heat Capacity Reveals the Physics of a Frustrated Spin Tube”. Physical Review Letters 105.3 (2010): 37206.
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