German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners

Kowall B, Breckenkamp J, Heyer K, Berg-Beckhoff G (2010)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kowall, Bernd; Breckenkamp, JürgenUniBi; Heyer, Kristina; Berg-Beckhoff, Gabriele
Abstract / Bemerkung
The proportion of general practitioners (GPs) in Germany who assume health impacts of electromagnetic fields (EMF) is assessed. Moreover, factors associated with this risk perception are examined. A 7% random sample was drawn from online lists of all the GPs working in Germany. 1,867 doctors received a long version of a self-administered postal questionnaire about EMF and health (response rate 23.3%), 928 doctors received a short version (response rate 49.1%). 37.3% of responders to the short and 57.5% of responders to the long questionnaire agreed "that there are persons whose health complaints are caused by EMF when legal limit values are met". A late responder analysis for the survey with the short questionnaire led to a still lower estimate of 29% for GPs believing in health-relevant effects of EMF. About a third of German GPs associate EMF with health complaints and thus deviate considerably from current scientific knowledge. To avoid a strong selection bias in the surveys of the perception of EMF risks, use of short questionnaires and late responder analysis are recommended.
Electromagnetic fields; Selection bias; General practitioners; Risk perception; Late responder analysis
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Kowall B, Breckenkamp J, Heyer K, Berg-Beckhoff G. German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2010;55(5):507-512.
Kowall, B., Breckenkamp, J., Heyer, K., & Berg-Beckhoff, G. (2010). German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 55(5), 507-512.
Kowall, Bernd, Breckenkamp, Jürgen, Heyer, Kristina, and Berg-Beckhoff, Gabriele. 2010. “German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 55 (5): 507-512.
Kowall, B., Breckenkamp, J., Heyer, K., and Berg-Beckhoff, G. (2010). German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 55, 507-512.
Kowall, B., et al., 2010. German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 55(5), p 507-512.
B. Kowall, et al., “German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, vol. 55, 2010, pp. 507-512.
Kowall, B., Breckenkamp, J., Heyer, K., Berg-Beckhoff, G.: German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 55, 507-512 (2010).
Kowall, Bernd, Breckenkamp, Jürgen, Heyer, Kristina, and Berg-Beckhoff, Gabriele. “German wide cross sectional survey on health impacts of electromagnetic fields in the view of general practitioners”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 55.5 (2010): 507-512.

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