Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods

Hohlbein J, Gryte K, Heilemann M, Kapanidis AN (2010)

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Hohlbein, Johannes; Gryte, Kristofer; Heilemann, MikeUniBi; Kapanidis, Achillefs N.
Abstract / Bemerkung
Single-molecule fluorescence microscopy is currently one of the most popular methods in the single-molecule toolbox. In this review, we discuss recent advances in fluorescence instrumentation and assays: these methods are characterized by a substantial increase in complexity of the instrumentation or biological samples involved. Specifically, we describe new multi-laser and multi-colour fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging techniques, super-resolution microscopy imaging and the development of instruments that combine fluorescence detection with other single-molecule methods such as force spectroscopy. We also highlight two pivotal developments in basic and applied biosciences: the new information available from detection of single molecules in single biological cells and exciting developments in fluorescence-based single-molecule DNA sequencing.
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Hohlbein J, Gryte K, Heilemann M, Kapanidis AN. Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods. PHYSICAL BIOLOGY. 2010;7(3): 31001.
Hohlbein, J., Gryte, K., Heilemann, M., & Kapanidis, A. N. (2010). Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods. PHYSICAL BIOLOGY, 7(3), 31001.
Hohlbein, Johannes, Gryte, Kristofer, Heilemann, Mike, and Kapanidis, Achillefs N. 2010. “Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods”. PHYSICAL BIOLOGY 7 (3): 31001.
Hohlbein, J., Gryte, K., Heilemann, M., and Kapanidis, A. N. (2010). Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods. PHYSICAL BIOLOGY 7:31001.
Hohlbein, J., et al., 2010. Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods. PHYSICAL BIOLOGY, 7(3): 31001.
J. Hohlbein, et al., “Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods”, PHYSICAL BIOLOGY, vol. 7, 2010, : 31001.
Hohlbein, J., Gryte, K., Heilemann, M., Kapanidis, A.N.: Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods. PHYSICAL BIOLOGY. 7, : 31001 (2010).
Hohlbein, Johannes, Gryte, Kristofer, Heilemann, Mike, and Kapanidis, Achillefs N. “Surfing on a new wave of single-molecule fluorescence methods”. PHYSICAL BIOLOGY 7.3 (2010): 31001.

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