Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons
Borst A, Egelhaaf M, Haag J (1995)
Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2(1): 5-18.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Borst, Alexander;
Egelhaaf, MartinUniBi
Haag, Jürgen

gain control;
motion detection;
dendritic integratio;
visual interneuron
Journal of Computational Neuroscience
Page URI
Borst A, Egelhaaf M, Haag J. Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 1995;2(1):5-18.
Borst, A., Egelhaaf, M., & Haag, J. (1995). Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 2(1), 5-18.
Borst, Alexander, Egelhaaf, Martin, and Haag, Jürgen. 1995. “Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons”. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2 (1): 5-18.
Borst, A., Egelhaaf, M., and Haag, J. (1995). Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2, 5-18.
Borst, A., Egelhaaf, M., & Haag, J., 1995. Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience, 2(1), p 5-18.
A. Borst, M. Egelhaaf, and J. Haag, “Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons”, Journal of Computational Neuroscience, vol. 2, 1995, pp. 5-18.
Borst, A., Egelhaaf, M., Haag, J.: Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons. Journal of Computational Neuroscience. 2, 5-18 (1995).
Borst, Alexander, Egelhaaf, Martin, and Haag, Jürgen. “Mechanisms of dendritic integration underlying gain control in fly motion-sensitive interneurons”. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 2.1 (1995): 5-18.
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Binocular integration of visual information: a model study on naturalistic optic flow processing.
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A neuronally based model of contrast gain adaptation in fly motion vision.
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Seeing things in motion: models, circuits, and mechanisms.
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Processing of horizontal optic flow in three visual interneurons of the Drosophila brain.
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Motion adaptation and the velocity coding of natural scenes.
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Synaptic organization of lobula plate tangential cells in Drosophila: Dalpha7 cholinergic receptors.
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Different receptive fields in axons and dendrites underlie robust coding in motion-sensitive neurons.
Elyada YM, Haag J, Borst A., Nat Neurosci 12(3), 2009
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Elyada YM, Haag J, Borst A., Nat Neurosci 12(3), 2009
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Bio-inspired motion detection in an FPGA-based smart camera module.
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Sensory integration: neuronal adaptations for robust visual self-motion estimation.
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Krapp HG., Curr Biol 19(10), 2009
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Mechanisms of after-hyperpolarization following activation of fly visual motion-sensitive neurons.
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Precise subcellular input retinotopy and its computational consequences in an identified visual interneuron.
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Peron SP, Jones PW, Gabbiani F., Neuron 63(6), 2009
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State-dependent performance of optic-flow processing interneurons.
Longden KD, Krapp HG., J Neurophysiol 102(6), 2009
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Robust models for optic flow coding in natural scenes inspired by insect biology.
Brinkworth RS, O'Carroll DC., PLoS Comput Biol 5(11), 2009
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Saccadic flight strategy facilitates collision avoidance: closed-loop performance of a cyberfly.
Lindemann JP, Weiss H, Möller R, Egelhaaf M., Biol Cybern 98(3), 2008
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Lindemann JP, Weiss H, Möller R, Egelhaaf M., Biol Cybern 98(3), 2008
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A canonical neural circuit for cortical nonlinear operations.
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Synaptic organization of lobula plate tangential cells in Drosophila: gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors and chemical release sites.
Raghu SV, Joesch M, Borst A, Reiff DF., J Comp Neurol 502(4), 2007
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Raghu SV, Joesch M, Borst A, Reiff DF., J Comp Neurol 502(4), 2007
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Robust coding of flow-field parameters by axo-axonal gap junctions between fly visual interneurons.
Cuntz H, Haag J, Forstner F, Segev I, Borst A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104(24), 2007
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Cuntz H, Haag J, Forstner F, Segev I, Borst A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104(24), 2007
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Adaptation and information transmission in fly motion detection.
Safran MN, Flanagin VL, Borst A, Sompolinsky H., J Neurophysiol 98(6), 2007
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Safran MN, Flanagin VL, Borst A, Sompolinsky H., J Neurophysiol 98(6), 2007
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Reciprocal inhibitory connections within a neural network for rotational optic-flow processing.
Haag J, Borst A., Front Neurosci 1(1), 2007
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Haag J, Borst A., Front Neurosci 1(1), 2007
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Spatial integration of optic flow signals in fly motion-sensitive neurons.
Neri P., J Neurophysiol 95(3), 2006
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Implications of functionally different synaptic inputs for neuronal gain and computational properties of fly visual interneurons.
Grewe J, Matos N, Egelhaaf M, Warzecha AK., J Neurophysiol 96(4), 2006
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Grewe J, Matos N, Egelhaaf M, Warzecha AK., J Neurophysiol 96(4), 2006
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Spatial distribution of inputs and local receptive field properties of a wide-field, looming sensitive neuron.
Krapp HG, Gabbiani F., J Neurophysiol 93(4), 2005
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Krapp HG, Gabbiani F., J Neurophysiol 93(4), 2005
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Adaptation without parameter change: Dynamic gain control in motion detection.
Borst A, Flanagin VL, Sompolinsky H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102(17), 2005
PMID: 15833815
Borst A, Flanagin VL, Sompolinsky H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 102(17), 2005
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Responses of blowfly motion-sensitive neurons to reconstructed optic flow along outdoor flight paths.
Boeddeker N, Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M, Zeil J., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 191(12), 2005
PMID: 16133502
Boeddeker N, Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M, Zeil J., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 191(12), 2005
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Velocity constancy and models for wide-field visual motion detection in insects.
Shoemaker PA, O'Carroll DC, Straw AD., Biol Cybern 93(4), 2005
PMID: 16151841
Shoemaker PA, O'Carroll DC, Straw AD., Biol Cybern 93(4), 2005
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Insect-inspired estimation of egomotion.
Franz MO, Chahl JS, Krapp HG., Neural Comput 16(11), 2004
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Franz MO, Chahl JS, Krapp HG., Neural Comput 16(11), 2004
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FliMax, a novel stimulus device for panoramic and highspeed presentation of behaviourally generated optic flow.
Lindemann JP, Kern R, Michaelis C, Meyer P, van Hateren JH, Egelhaaf M., Vision Res 43(7), 2003
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Lindemann JP, Kern R, Michaelis C, Meyer P, van Hateren JH, Egelhaaf M., Vision Res 43(7), 2003
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Adaptation of response transients in fly motion vision. II: Model studies.
Borst A, Reisenman C, Haag J., Vision Res 43(11), 2003
PMID: 12726836
Borst A, Reisenman C, Haag J., Vision Res 43(11), 2003
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Robustness of the tuning of fly visual interneurons to rotatory optic flow.
Karmeier K, Krapp HG, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 90(3), 2003
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Karmeier K, Krapp HG, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 90(3), 2003
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Visually guided orientation in flies: case studies in computational neuroethology.
Egelhaaf M, Böddeker N, Kern R, Kretzberg J, Lindemann JP, Warzecha AK., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 189(6), 2003
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Egelhaaf M, Böddeker N, Kern R, Kretzberg J, Lindemann JP, Warzecha AK., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 189(6), 2003
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Neural image processing by dendritic networks.
Cuntz H, Haag J, Borst A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100(19), 2003
PMID: 12947039
Cuntz H, Haag J, Borst A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100(19), 2003
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Have brain dynamics evolved? Should we look for unique dynamics in the sapient species?
Bullock TH., Neural Comput 15(9), 2003
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Different mechanisms of calcium entry within different dendritic compartments.
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Binocular contributions to optic flow processing in the fly visual system.
Krapp HG, Hengstenberg R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 85(2), 2001
PMID: 11160507
Krapp HG, Hengstenberg R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 85(2), 2001
PMID: 11160507
Two classes of visual motion sensitive interneurons differ in direction and velocity dependency of in vivo calcium dynamics.
Dürr V, Kurtz R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurobiol 46(4), 2001
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Dürr V, Kurtz R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurobiol 46(4), 2001
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Neuronal processing of behaviourally generated optic flow: experiments and model simulations.
Kern R, Lutterklas M, Petereit C, Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M., Network 12(3), 2001
PMID: 11563534
Kern R, Lutterklas M, Petereit C, Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M., Network 12(3), 2001
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Dendritic calcium accumulation associated with direction-selective adaptation in visual motion-sensitive neurons in vivo.
Kurtz R, Dürr V, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 84(4), 2000
PMID: 11024084
Kurtz R, Dürr V, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 84(4), 2000
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A silicon implementation of the fly's optomotor control system.
Harrison RR, Koch C., Neural Comput 12(10), 2000
PMID: 11032035
Harrison RR, Koch C., Neural Comput 12(10), 2000
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Contrast gain reduction in fly motion adaptation.
Harris RA, O'Carroll DC, Laughlin SB., Neuron 28(2), 2000
PMID: 11144367
Harris RA, O'Carroll DC, Laughlin SB., Neuron 28(2), 2000
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Spatial response properties of contralateral inhibited lobula plate tangential cells in the fly visual system.
Gauck V, Borst A., J Comp Neurol 406(1), 1999
PMID: 10100892
Gauck V, Borst A., J Comp Neurol 406(1), 1999
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The intrinsic electrophysiological characteristics of fly lobula plate tangential cells: III. Visual response properties.
Haag J, Vermeulen A, Borst A., J Comput Neurosci 7(3), 1999
PMID: 10596834
Haag J, Vermeulen A, Borst A., J Comput Neurosci 7(3), 1999
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In vivo calcium accumulation in presynaptic and postsynaptic dendrites of visual interneurons.
Dürr V, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 82(6), 1999
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Dürr V, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 82(6), 1999
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Synapse distribution on VCH, an inhibitory, motion-sensitive interneuron in the fly visual system.
Gauck V, Egelhaaf M, Borst A., J Comp Neurol 381(4), 1997
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Gauck V, Egelhaaf M, Borst A., J Comp Neurol 381(4), 1997
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The intrinsic electrophysiological characteristics of fly lobula plate tangential cells: II. Active membrane properties.
Haag J, Theunissen F, Borst A., J Comput Neurosci 4(4), 1997
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Haag J, Theunissen F, Borst A., J Comput Neurosci 4(4), 1997
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