Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models
Gavai RV, Karsch F (1992)
Physical Review, B 46(2): 944-954.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Gavai, R. V.;
Karsch, FrithjofUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
We investigate numerically the three-dimensional three-state Potts models with nearest-neighbor (NN) ferromagnetic coupling and next-nearest-neighbor (NNN) antiferromagnetic coupling of relative strength-gamma on L3 lattices with L = 12, 16, 20, 32, and 40. For all the gamma-values that we studied, 0.0 less-than-or-equal-to gamma less-than-or-equal-to 0.8, we find indications of a first-order phase transition between the ordered and disordered phases. In the neighborhood of gamma = 0.25, the latent heat becomes rather small, making it necessary to use still larger lattices to rule out a higher-order phase transition at gamma = 0.25. We also studied the boundary regimes of the three different ordered phases and find no criticality along them, thus suggesting a lack of criticality in these extended Potts models.
Physical Review, B
Page URI
Gavai RV, Karsch F. Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models. Physical Review, B. 1992;46(2):944-954.
Gavai, R. V., & Karsch, F. (1992). Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models. Physical Review, B, 46(2), 944-954. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.46.944
Gavai, R. V., and Karsch, Frithjof. 1992. “Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models”. Physical Review, B 46 (2): 944-954.
Gavai, R. V., and Karsch, F. (1992). Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models. Physical Review, B 46, 944-954.
Gavai, R.V., & Karsch, F., 1992. Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models. Physical Review, B, 46(2), p 944-954.
R.V. Gavai and F. Karsch, “Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models”, Physical Review, B, vol. 46, 1992, pp. 944-954.
Gavai, R.V., Karsch, F.: Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models. Physical Review, B. 46, 944-954 (1992).
Gavai, R. V., and Karsch, Frithjof. “Z(3) criticality in three dimensions: study of extended Potts models”. Physical Review, B 46.2 (1992): 944-954.
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