Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD
Bilic N, Karsch F, Redlich K (1992)
Physical Review, D 45(9): 3228-3236.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Bilic, Neven;
Karsch, FrithjofUniBi;
Redlich, K.
Abstract / Bemerkung
We have studied the chiral phase transition in SU(3) lattice gauge theory with f species of staggered fermions at nonzero chemical potential and temperature. The results at infinite coupling are improved by adding systematic 1/g2 corrections. At zero chemical potential we find a flavor dependence of the chiral transition which is in qualitative agreement with Monte Carlo data. At zero temperature, however, the chiral transition turns out to be flavor independent. The thermodynamics of the chiral-symmetric and broken phases is discussed in detail.
Physical Review, D
Page URI
Bilic N, Karsch F, Redlich K. Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD. Physical Review, D. 1992;45(9):3228-3236.
Bilic, N., Karsch, F., & Redlich, K. (1992). Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD. Physical Review, D, 45(9), 3228-3236. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.45.3228
Bilic, Neven, Karsch, Frithjof, and Redlich, K. 1992. “Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD”. Physical Review, D 45 (9): 3228-3236.
Bilic, N., Karsch, F., and Redlich, K. (1992). Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD. Physical Review, D 45, 3228-3236.
Bilic, N., Karsch, F., & Redlich, K., 1992. Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD. Physical Review, D, 45(9), p 3228-3236.
N. Bilic, F. Karsch, and K. Redlich, “Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD”, Physical Review, D, vol. 45, 1992, pp. 3228-3236.
Bilic, N., Karsch, F., Redlich, K.: Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD. Physical Review, D. 45, 3228-3236 (1992).
Bilic, Neven, Karsch, Frithjof, and Redlich, K. “Flavor dependence of the chiral phase transition in strong-coupling QCD”. Physical Review, D 45.9 (1992): 3228-3236.
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