Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light
Stoppmanns P, Schmiedeskamp B, Vogt B, Müller N, Heinzmann U (1992)
Physica Scripta, Topical Issues T41: 190-193.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Stoppmanns, P.;
Schmiedeskamp, B.;
Vogt, B.;
Müller, NorbertUniBi;
Heinzmann, UlrichUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Circularly polarized light from BESSY with energies from 15 eV to 20 eV in normal incidence is used to excite oriented 4p3/2-hole states in thick layers of Rb on Pt(111). The CVV-Auger decay of these hole states is studied in a normal-emission set-up. The preferential spin direction of the Auger-electrons has been measured to be parallel to the spin of the exciting photons near the excitation threshold and changes to be antiparallel at somewhat higher photon energies. This behaviour is consistent with an excitation varying with the photon energy and an atom-like model for the decay of the primary hole state. Thereby the two valence electrons participating in the deacy are assumed to be s-like and to be coupled to a singlet state.
Physica Scripta, Topical Issues
Page URI
Stoppmanns P, Schmiedeskamp B, Vogt B, Müller N, Heinzmann U. Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light. Physica Scripta, Topical Issues. 1992;T41:190-193.
Stoppmanns, P., Schmiedeskamp, B., Vogt, B., Müller, N., & Heinzmann, U. (1992). Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light. Physica Scripta, Topical Issues, T41, 190-193. https://doi.org/10.1088/0031-8949/1992/T41/033
Stoppmanns, P., Schmiedeskamp, B., Vogt, B., Müller, Norbert, and Heinzmann, Ulrich. 1992. “Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light”. Physica Scripta, Topical Issues T41: 190-193.
Stoppmanns, P., Schmiedeskamp, B., Vogt, B., Müller, N., and Heinzmann, U. (1992). Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light. Physica Scripta, Topical Issues T41, 190-193.
Stoppmanns, P., et al., 1992. Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light. Physica Scripta, Topical Issues, T41, p 190-193.
P. Stoppmanns, et al., “Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light”, Physica Scripta, Topical Issues, vol. T41, 1992, pp. 190-193.
Stoppmanns, P., Schmiedeskamp, B., Vogt, B., Müller, N., Heinzmann, U.: Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light. Physica Scripta, Topical Issues. T41, 190-193 (1992).
Stoppmanns, P., Schmiedeskamp, B., Vogt, B., Müller, Norbert, and Heinzmann, Ulrich. “Spin Resolved Auger-Spectroscopy on Rb-Layers after Core-Hole Creation by Circularly Polarized VUV-Light”. Physica Scripta, Topical Issues T41 (1992): 190-193.
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