39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4
Topic B, von Kienlin A, Gölzhäuser A, Haeberlin U, Blinc R (1988)
Physical Review, B 38(13): 8625-8632.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Topic, B.;
von Kienlin, A.;
Gölzhäuser, ArminUniBi
Haeberlin, U.;
Blinc, R.

Abstract / Bemerkung
The 39K quadrupole-coupling and chemical-shift tensors have been determined from the angular dependences of the 39K line shifts of the 39K±(1/2 ± 1) / 2 central NMR transitions in the paraelectric (P) and incommensurate (I) phases of K2SeO4. The main effect of the P-I phase transition on these tensors is the appearance of nonzero off-diagonal elements Vab and Vbc which reflects the destruction of mirror planes by frozen-in soft-mode displacements along the b axis. From the angular dependences of the 77Se line shifts the 77Se chemical-shift tensor has been determined in the paraelectric phase of K2SeO4. In contrast to the 39K quadrupole-coupling and chemical-shift tensors it remains unaffected on going through TI and changes only slightly at TC.
Physical Review, B
Page URI
Topic B, von Kienlin A, Gölzhäuser A, Haeberlin U, Blinc R. 39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4. Physical Review, B. 1988;38(13):8625-8632.
Topic, B., von Kienlin, A., Gölzhäuser, A., Haeberlin, U., & Blinc, R. (1988). 39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4. Physical Review, B, 38(13), 8625-8632. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.38.8625
Topic, B., von Kienlin, A., Gölzhäuser, Armin, Haeberlin, U., and Blinc, R. 1988. “39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4”. Physical Review, B 38 (13): 8625-8632.
Topic, B., von Kienlin, A., Gölzhäuser, A., Haeberlin, U., and Blinc, R. (1988). 39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4. Physical Review, B 38, 8625-8632.
Topic, B., et al., 1988. 39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4. Physical Review, B, 38(13), p 8625-8632.
B. Topic, et al., “39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4”, Physical Review, B, vol. 38, 1988, pp. 8625-8632.
Topic, B., von Kienlin, A., Gölzhäuser, A., Haeberlin, U., Blinc, R.: 39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4. Physical Review, B. 38, 8625-8632 (1988).
Topic, B., von Kienlin, A., Gölzhäuser, Armin, Haeberlin, U., and Blinc, R. “39K and 77Se NMR study of the paraelectric-to-incommensurate phase transition of K2SeO4”. Physical Review, B 38.13 (1988): 8625-8632.
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