Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio
Allasia D, Amaudruz P, Arneodo M, Arvidson A, Badelek B, Baum G, Beaufays J, Bird IG, Botje M, Burger WJ, Broggini C, et al. (1990)
Phys.Lett. B 249(2): 366-372.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Allasia, D.;
Amaudruz, P.;
Arneodo, M.;
Arvidson, A.;
Badelek, B.;
Baum, GünterUniBi;
Beaufays, J.;
Bird, I.G.;
Botje, M.;
Burger, W. J.;
Broggini, C.;
Bruckner, W.
Phys.Lett. B
Page URI
Allasia D, Amaudruz P, Arneodo M, et al. Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio. Phys.Lett. B. 1990;249(2):366-372.
Allasia, D., Amaudruz, P., Arneodo, M., Arvidson, A., Badelek, B., Baum, G., Beaufays, J., et al. (1990). Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio. Phys.Lett. B, 249(2), 366-372.
Allasia, D., Amaudruz, P., Arneodo, M., Arvidson, A., Badelek, B., Baum, Günter, Beaufays, J., et al. 1990. “Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio”. Phys.Lett. B 249 (2): 366-372.
Allasia, D., Amaudruz, P., Arneodo, M., Arvidson, A., Badelek, B., Baum, G., Beaufays, J., Bird, I. G., Botje, M., Burger, W. J., et al. (1990). Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio. Phys.Lett. B 249, 366-372.
Allasia, D., et al., 1990. Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio. Phys.Lett. B, 249(2), p 366-372.
D. Allasia, et al., “Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio”, Phys.Lett. B, vol. 249, 1990, pp. 366-372.
Allasia, D., Amaudruz, P., Arneodo, M., Arvidson, A., Badelek, B., Baum, G., Beaufays, J., Bird, I.G., Botje, M., Burger, W.J., Broggini, C., Bruckner, W., Brüll, A., Ciborowski, J., Crittenden, R., Dantzig, R. van, Döbbeling, H., Domingo, J., Drinkard, J., Dzierba, A., Engelien, H., Ferrero, M.I., Fluri, L., Grafström, P., Greiner, D., Gretillat, P., Günther, W., Hagberg, E., Harrach, D. von, Heijden, M. van der, Heusch, C.A., Ingram, Q., Jacholkowska, A., Janson, K., Jong, M. de, Kabuss, E.M., Kaiser, R., Ketel, T.J., Klein, F., Korzen, B., Krüner, U., Kullander, S., Landgraf, U., Lettenström, F., Lindqvist, T., Mallot, G.K., Mariotti, C., Middelkoop, G. van, Mizuno, Y., Nassalski, J., Nowotny, D., Pavel, N., Peschel, H., Peroni, C., Povh, B., Rieger, R., Rith, K., Rohrich, K., Rondio, E., Ropelewski, L., Sandacz, A., Scholz, C., Schumacher, R., Sennhauser, U., Sever, F., Shibata, T.-A., Siebler, M., Simon, A., Staiano, A., Taylor, G., Treichel, M., Vuilleumier, J.L., Walcher, T., Welch, K., Windmolders, R.: Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio. Phys.Lett. B. 249, 366-372 (1990).
Allasia, D., Amaudruz, P., Arneodo, M., Arvidson, A., Badelek, B., Baum, Günter, Beaufays, J., Bird, I.G., Botje, M., Burger, W. J., Broggini, C., Bruckner, W., Brüll, A., Ciborowski, J., Crittenden, R., Dantzig, R. van, Döbbeling, H., Domingo, J., Drinkard, J., Dzierba, A., Engelien, H., Ferrero, M. I., Fluri, L., Grafström, P., Greiner, D., Gretillat, P., Günther, W., Hagberg, E., Harrach, D. von, Heijden, M. van der, Heusch, C. A., Ingram, Q., Jacholkowska, A., Janson, K., Jong, M. de, Kabuss, E. M., Kaiser, R., Ketel, T. J., Klein, F., Korzen, B., Krüner, U., Kullander, S., Landgraf, U., Lettenström, F., Lindqvist, T., Mallot, G. K., Mariotti, C., Middelkoop, G. van, Mizuno, Y., Nassalski, J., Nowotny, D., Pavel, N., Peschel, H., Peroni, C., Povh, B., Rieger, R., Rith, K., Rohrich, K., Rondio, E., Ropelewski, L., Sandacz, A., Scholz, C., Schumacher, R., Sennhauser, U., Sever, F., Shibata, T.-A., Siebler, M., Simon, A., Staiano, A., Taylor, G., Treichel, M., Vuilleumier, J. L., Walcher, T., Welch, K., and Windmolders, R. “Measurement of the neutron and the proton F2 structure function ratio”. Phys.Lett. B 249.2 (1990): 366-372.
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