Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms
Baum G, Moede M, Raith W, Sillmen U (1986)
Phys.Rev.Lett. 57(15): 1855-1858.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Baum, GünterUniBi;
Moede, M.;
Raith, Wilhelm;
Sillmen, U.
Abstract / Bemerkung
The energy dependence of the spin asymmetry in elastic scattering of polarized electrons from Li atoms has been studied for scattering angles of 65°, 90°, and 107.5° and collision energies from 1 to 30 eV. The measured asymmetry shows variations between its extreme values of + 1 and - 1/3, and its behavior can best be described by close-coupling calculations.
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Baum G, Moede M, Raith W, Sillmen U. Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms. Phys.Rev.Lett. 1986;57(15):1855-1858.
Baum, G., Moede, M., Raith, W., & Sillmen, U. (1986). Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms. Phys.Rev.Lett., 57(15), 1855-1858.
Baum, Günter, Moede, M., Raith, Wilhelm, and Sillmen, U. 1986. “Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms”. Phys.Rev.Lett. 57 (15): 1855-1858.
Baum, G., Moede, M., Raith, W., and Sillmen, U. (1986). Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms. Phys.Rev.Lett. 57, 1855-1858.
Baum, G., et al., 1986. Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms. Phys.Rev.Lett., 57(15), p 1855-1858.
G. Baum, et al., “Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms”, Phys.Rev.Lett., vol. 57, 1986, pp. 1855-1858.
Baum, G., Moede, M., Raith, W., Sillmen, U.: Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms. Phys.Rev.Lett. 57, 1855-1858 (1986).
Baum, Günter, Moede, M., Raith, Wilhelm, and Sillmen, U. “Measurement of spin dependence in low-energy elastic scattering of electrons from lithium atoms”. Phys.Rev.Lett. 57.15 (1986): 1855-1858.
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