Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions
Engels J, Kehl E, Satz H, Waltl B (1985)
Physical review letters 55(26): 2839-2841.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Engels, JürgenUniBi;
Kehl, E.;
Satz, HelmutUniBi;
Waltl, B.
Abstract / Bemerkung
By calculating Polyakov-loop averages on a 60 2×2 lattice, we determine the critical exponent of deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions. Universality arguments predict it to be the same as the critical exponent [beta]=(1/8) for the spontaneous magnetization in the two-dimensional Ising model. Our results are in good accord with this prediction.
Physical review letters
Page URI
Engels J, Kehl E, Satz H, Waltl B. Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions. Physical review letters. 1985;55(26):2839-2841.
Engels, J., Kehl, E., Satz, H., & Waltl, B. (1985). Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions. Physical review letters, 55(26), 2839-2841.
Engels, Jürgen, Kehl, E., Satz, Helmut, and Waltl, B. 1985. “Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions”. Physical review letters 55 (26): 2839-2841.
Engels, J., Kehl, E., Satz, H., and Waltl, B. (1985). Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions. Physical review letters 55, 2839-2841.
Engels, J., et al., 1985. Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions. Physical review letters, 55(26), p 2839-2841.
J. Engels, et al., “Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions”, Physical review letters, vol. 55, 1985, pp. 2839-2841.
Engels, J., Kehl, E., Satz, H., Waltl, B.: Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions. Physical review letters. 55, 2839-2841 (1985).
Engels, Jürgen, Kehl, E., Satz, Helmut, and Waltl, B. “Deconfinement for SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions”. Physical review letters 55.26 (1985): 2839-2841.
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3 Zitationen in Europe PMC
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