To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information
Ahlswede R, Csiszár I (1981)
IEEE transactions on information theory 27(4): 398-408.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Ahlswede, RudolfUniBi;
Csiszár, Imre
Abstract / Bemerkung
The following coding problem for correlated discrete memoryless sources is considered. The two sources can be separately block encoded, and the values of the encoding functions are available to a decoder who wnats to answer a certain question concerning the source outputs. Typically, this question has only a few possible answers (even as few as two). The rates of the encoding functionsmust be found that enable the decoder to answer this question correctly with high probability. It is proven that these rates are often as large as those needed for a full reproduction of the outputs of both sources. Furthermore, if one source is comletely known at the decoder, this phenomenon already occurs when what is asked for is the joint type (joint composition) of the two source output blocks, or some function thereof such as the Hamming distance of the two blocks or (for alphabet size at least three) just the parity of this Hamming distance.
IEEE transactions on information theory
Page URI
Ahlswede R, Csiszár I. To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information. IEEE transactions on information theory. 1981;27(4):398-408.
Ahlswede, R., & Csiszár, I. (1981). To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information. IEEE transactions on information theory, 27(4), 398-408.
Ahlswede, Rudolf, and Csiszár, Imre. 1981. “To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information”. IEEE transactions on information theory 27 (4): 398-408.
Ahlswede, R., and Csiszár, I. (1981). To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information. IEEE transactions on information theory 27, 398-408.
Ahlswede, R., & Csiszár, I., 1981. To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information. IEEE transactions on information theory, 27(4), p 398-408.
R. Ahlswede and I. Csiszár, “To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information”, IEEE transactions on information theory, vol. 27, 1981, pp. 398-408.
Ahlswede, R., Csiszár, I.: To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information. IEEE transactions on information theory. 27, 398-408 (1981).
Ahlswede, Rudolf, and Csiszár, Imre. “To get a bit of information may be as hard as to get full information”. IEEE transactions on information theory 27.4 (1981): 398-408.
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