Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms
Kuntze R, Salzmann M, Böwering N, Heinzmann U (1993)
Physical review letters 70(24): 3716-3719.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Kuntze, R.;
Salzmann, M.;
Böwering, N.;
Heinzmann, UlrichUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
The angular dependence of the spin polarization of Auger electrons was measured after 5p photoionization of free Ba atoms with circularly polarized light. A substantial polarization transfer from the oriented photoion onto the Auger electrons was observed in confirmation of theoretical predictions by Kabachnik and Lee. The ratio of the dipole transition matrix elements and the orientation and alignment coefficients were extracted from the experimental data for the Auger electron polarization parameters.
Physical review letters
Page URI
Kuntze R, Salzmann M, Böwering N, Heinzmann U. Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms. Physical review letters. 1993;70(24):3716-3719.
Kuntze, R., Salzmann, M., Böwering, N., & Heinzmann, U. (1993). Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms. Physical review letters, 70(24), 3716-3719. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.70.3716
Kuntze, R., Salzmann, M., Böwering, N., and Heinzmann, Ulrich. 1993. “Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms”. Physical review letters 70 (24): 3716-3719.
Kuntze, R., Salzmann, M., Böwering, N., and Heinzmann, U. (1993). Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms. Physical review letters 70, 3716-3719.
Kuntze, R., et al., 1993. Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms. Physical review letters, 70(24), p 3716-3719.
R. Kuntze, et al., “Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms”, Physical review letters, vol. 70, 1993, pp. 3716-3719.
Kuntze, R., Salzmann, M., Böwering, N., Heinzmann, U.: Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms. Physical review letters. 70, 3716-3719 (1993).
Kuntze, R., Salzmann, M., Böwering, N., and Heinzmann, Ulrich. “Spin-resolved Auger electron spectroscopy of barium atoms”. Physical review letters 70.24 (1993): 3716-3719.
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2 Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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