Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules

Kaesdorf S, Schönhense G, Heinzmann U (1985)
Physical review letters 54(9): 885-888.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Kaesdorf, S.; Schönhense, G.; Heinzmann, UlrichUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
A photoionization experiment on free oriented molecules in the gas phase has been performed. CH3I molecules in a supersonic beam have been oriented with respect to the molecular axis parallel to an external field by use of an electric hexapole. The photoelectrons ejected by vacuum ultraviolet radiation in a region of a very weak field from the lone-pair orbital located at the iodine atom show a pronounced asymmetry depending on whether electrons are emitted parallel or antiparallel to the molecular axis.
Physical review letters
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Kaesdorf S, Schönhense G, Heinzmann U. Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules. Physical review letters. 1985;54(9):885-888.
Kaesdorf, S., Schönhense, G., & Heinzmann, U. (1985). Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules. Physical review letters, 54(9), 885-888. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.54.885
Kaesdorf, S., Schönhense, G., and Heinzmann, Ulrich. 1985. “Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules”. Physical review letters 54 (9): 885-888.
Kaesdorf, S., Schönhense, G., and Heinzmann, U. (1985). Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules. Physical review letters 54, 885-888.
Kaesdorf, S., Schönhense, G., & Heinzmann, U., 1985. Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules. Physical review letters, 54(9), p 885-888.
S. Kaesdorf, G. Schönhense, and U. Heinzmann, “Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules”, Physical review letters, vol. 54, 1985, pp. 885-888.
Kaesdorf, S., Schönhense, G., Heinzmann, U.: Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules. Physical review letters. 54, 885-888 (1985).
Kaesdorf, S., Schönhense, G., and Heinzmann, Ulrich. “Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules”. Physical review letters 54.9 (1985): 885-888.
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