Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory
Bernhardt J, Neumann E (1981)
Biophysical Chemistry 14(4): 303-316.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Bernhardt, Julius;
Neumann, EberhardUniBi
Physical chemistry;
Molecular biology;
Biophysical Chemistry
Page URI
Bernhardt J, Neumann E. Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory. Biophysical Chemistry. 1981;14(4):303-316.
Bernhardt, J., & Neumann, E. (1981). Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory. Biophysical Chemistry, 14(4), 303-316.
Bernhardt, Julius, and Neumann, Eberhard. 1981. “Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory”. Biophysical Chemistry 14 (4): 303-316.
Bernhardt, J., and Neumann, E. (1981). Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory. Biophysical Chemistry 14, 303-316.
Bernhardt, J., & Neumann, E., 1981. Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory. Biophysical Chemistry, 14(4), p 303-316.
J. Bernhardt and E. Neumann, “Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory”, Biophysical Chemistry, vol. 14, 1981, pp. 303-316.
Bernhardt, J., Neumann, E.: Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory. Biophysical Chemistry. 14, 303-316 (1981).
Bernhardt, Julius, and Neumann, Eberhard. “Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory”. Biophysical Chemistry 14.4 (1981): 303-316.
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2 Zitationen in Europe PMC
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Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments. II. Flux amplitude analysis.
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 15(4), 1982
PMID: 6288137
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 15(4), 1982
PMID: 6288137
Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments. III. acetylcholine receptor-controlled Li+ efflux from sealed Torpedo marmorata membrane fragments.
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 15(4), 1982
PMID: 6288138
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 15(4), 1982
PMID: 6288138
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