Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments
Bernhardt J, Neumann E (1980)
Journal of Theoretical Biology 86(4): 649-661.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Bernhardt, Julius;
Neumann, EberhardUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Physico-chemical factors that determine tracer substance flux from or into sealed vesicular structures are examined. Flux amplitudes are dependent on the average volume of a vesicle, while flux rates depend on the average number of transmembrane channels per vesicle. Gating processes leading to channel opening and/or closing affect both amplitudes and rates. Averaging over inhomogeneities in vesicle size and channel density leads to an explicit expression for time-dependent tracer content. Means for experimentally determining all variable factors in this expression are discussed.
Computational Biology;
Mathematical Biology;
Journal of Theoretical Biology
Page URI
Bernhardt J, Neumann E. Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 1980;86(4):649-661.
Bernhardt, J., & Neumann, E. (1980). Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 86(4), 649-661.
Bernhardt, Julius, and Neumann, Eberhard. 1980. “Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments”. Journal of Theoretical Biology 86 (4): 649-661.
Bernhardt, J., and Neumann, E. (1980). Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments. Journal of Theoretical Biology 86, 649-661.
Bernhardt, J., & Neumann, E., 1980. Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 86(4), p 649-661.
J. Bernhardt and E. Neumann, “Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments”, Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 86, 1980, pp. 649-661.
Bernhardt, J., Neumann, E.: Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 86, 649-661 (1980).
Bernhardt, Julius, and Neumann, Eberhard. “Analysis of gated flux from or into sealed membrane fragments”. Journal of Theoretical Biology 86.4 (1980): 649-661.
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3 Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments. II. Flux amplitude analysis.
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 15(4), 1982
PMID: 6288137
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 15(4), 1982
PMID: 6288137
Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments. III. acetylcholine receptor-controlled Li+ efflux from sealed Torpedo marmorata membrane fragments.
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 15(4), 1982
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Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 15(4), 1982
PMID: 6288138
Single channel gating events in tracer flux experiments I. Theory.
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 14(4), 1981
PMID: 17000176
Bernhardt J, Neumann E., Biophys Chem 14(4), 1981
PMID: 17000176
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