Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure

Mevarech M, Neumann E (1977)
Biochemistry 16(17): 3786-3792.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Mevarech, Moshe; Neumann, EberhardUniBi
Molecular biology; Biochemistry
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Mevarech M, Neumann E. Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure. Biochemistry. 1977;16(17):3786-3792.
Mevarech, M., & Neumann, E. (1977). Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure. Biochemistry, 16(17), 3786-3792.
Mevarech, Moshe, and Neumann, Eberhard. 1977. “Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure”. Biochemistry 16 (17): 3786-3792.
Mevarech, M., and Neumann, E. (1977). Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure. Biochemistry 16, 3786-3792.
Mevarech, M., & Neumann, E., 1977. Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure. Biochemistry, 16(17), p 3786-3792.
M. Mevarech and E. Neumann, “Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure”, Biochemistry, vol. 16, 1977, pp. 3786-3792.
Mevarech, M., Neumann, E.: Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure. Biochemistry. 16, 3786-3792 (1977).
Mevarech, Moshe, and Neumann, Eberhard. “Malate dehydrogenase isolated from extremely halophilic bacteria of the Dead Sea. 2. Effect of salt on the catalytic activity and structure”. Biochemistry 16.17 (1977): 3786-3792.
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