On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells
Egelhaaf M (1985)
Biological Cybernetics 52(4): 267-280.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Abstract / Bemerkung
It has been concluded in the preceding papers (Egelhaaf, 1985a, b) that two functional classes of output elements of the visual ganglia might be involved in figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the fly: The Horizontal Cells which respond best to the motion of large textured patterns and the FD-cells which are most sensitive to small moving objects. In this paper it is studied by computer simulations (1) in what way the input circuitry of the FD-cells might be organized and (2) the role the FD-cells play in figure-ground discrimination. The characteristic functional properties of the FD-cells can be explained by various alternative model networks. In all models the main input to the FD-cells is formed by two retinotopic arrays of small-field elementary movement detectors, responding to either front-to-back or back-to-front motion. According to their preferred direction of motion the FD-cells are excited by one of these movement detector classes and inhibited by the other. The synaptic transmission between the movement detectors and the FD-cells is assumed to be non-linear. It is a common property of all these model circuits that the inhibition of the FD-cells induced by large-field motion is mediated by pool cells which cover altogether the entire horizontal extent of the visual field of both eyes. These pool cells affect the response of the FD-cells either by pre- or postsynaptic shunting inhibition. Depending on the FD-cell under consideration, the pool cells are directionally selective for motion or sensitive to motion in either horizontal direction. The role the FD-cells and the Horizontal Cells are likely to play in figure-ground discrimination can be demonstrated by computer simulations of a composite neuronal model consisting of the model circuits for these cell types. According to their divergent spatial integration properties they perform different tasks in figure-ground discrimination: Whereas the Horizontal Cells mainly mediate information on wide-field motion, the FD-cells are selectively tuned to efficient detection of relatively small targets. Both cell classes together appear to be sufficient to account for figure-ground discrimination as it has been shown by analysis at the behavioural level.
Neural coordination;
Sensory reception;
Cell biology
Biological Cybernetics
Page URI
Egelhaaf M. On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells. Biological Cybernetics. 1985;52(4):267-280.
Egelhaaf, M. (1985). On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells. Biological Cybernetics, 52(4), 267-280. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00336983
Egelhaaf, Martin. 1985. “On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells”. Biological Cybernetics 52 (4): 267-280.
Egelhaaf, M. (1985). On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells. Biological Cybernetics 52, 267-280.
Egelhaaf, M., 1985. On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells. Biological Cybernetics, 52(4), p 267-280.
M. Egelhaaf, “On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells”, Biological Cybernetics, vol. 52, 1985, pp. 267-280.
Egelhaaf, M.: On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells. Biological Cybernetics. 52, 267-280 (1985).
Egelhaaf, Martin. “On the neuronal basis of figure-ground discrimination by relative motion in the visual system of the fly. 3: Possible input circuitries and behavioural significance of the FD-cells”. Biological Cybernetics 52.4 (1985): 267-280.
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