Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain
Herrmann K, Bischof H-J (1986)
Brain Research 379(1): 143-146.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Herrmann, Kathrin;
Bischof, Hans-JoachimUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
The effects of different periods of monocular deprivation on cell sizes in the ectostriatum, the telencephalic relay of the tectofugal pathway in zebra finches, were evaluated. Following 20 days of monocular closure, neurons in the deprived and undeprived hemisphere show an unselective hypertrophy of 10%. Extending the deprivation period results in a shrinkage of neurons of the deprived side to values of adult normally reared birds, whereas the non-deprived neurons maintain their hypertrophied size.
Monocular deprivation;
Cell size;
Tectofugal visual system
Brain Research
Page URI
Herrmann K, Bischof H-J. Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain. Brain Research. 1986;379(1):143-146.
Herrmann, K., & Bischof, H. - J. (1986). Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain. Brain Research, 379(1), 143-146.
Herrmann, Kathrin, and Bischof, Hans-Joachim. 1986. “Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain”. Brain Research 379 (1): 143-146.
Herrmann, K., and Bischof, H. - J. (1986). Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain. Brain Research 379, 143-146.
Herrmann, K., & Bischof, H.-J., 1986. Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain. Brain Research, 379(1), p 143-146.
K. Herrmann and H.-J. Bischof, “Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain”, Brain Research, vol. 379, 1986, pp. 143-146.
Herrmann, K., Bischof, H.-J.: Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain. Brain Research. 379, 143-146 (1986).
Herrmann, Kathrin, and Bischof, Hans-Joachim. “Monocular deprivation affects neuron size in the ectostriatum of the zebra finch brain”. Brain Research 379.1 (1986): 143-146.
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