A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons
Krapp HG, Hengstenberg R (1997)
Vision research 37(2): 225-234.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Krapp, Holger G.;
Hengstenberg, Roland
Abstract / Bemerkung
We present a method to determine, within a few seconds, the local preferred direction (LPD) and local motion sensitivity (LMS) in small patches of the receptive fields of wide-field motion-sensitive neurons. This allows us to map, even during intracellular recordings, the distribution of LPD and LMS over the huge receptive fields of neurons sensing self-motions of the animal. Comparisons of the response field of a given neuron with the optic flow fields caused by different movements in space, allows us to specify the particular motion of the animal sensed by that neuron.
Optic flow;
Visual interneurons;
Visual system;
Visual Stimulation;
Directional selectivity;
Motion detection;
Calliphora erythrocephala
Vision research
Page URI
Krapp HG, Hengstenberg R. A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons. Vision research. 1997;37(2):225-234.
Krapp, H. G., & Hengstenberg, R. (1997). A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons. Vision research, 37(2), 225-234. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0042-6989(96)00114-9
Krapp, Holger G., and Hengstenberg, Roland. 1997. “A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons”. Vision research 37 (2): 225-234.
Krapp, H. G., and Hengstenberg, R. (1997). A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons. Vision research 37, 225-234.
Krapp, H.G., & Hengstenberg, R., 1997. A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons. Vision research, 37(2), p 225-234.
H.G. Krapp and R. Hengstenberg, “A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons”, Vision research, vol. 37, 1997, pp. 225-234.
Krapp, H.G., Hengstenberg, R.: A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons. Vision research. 37, 225-234 (1997).
Krapp, Holger G., and Hengstenberg, Roland. “A fast stimulus procedure to determine local receptive field properties of motion-sensitive visual interneurons”. Vision research 37.2 (1997): 225-234.
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