A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies

Böddeker N, Egelhaaf M (2005)
The journal of experimental biology 208(8): 1563-1572.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Computational neuroethology; Pursuit; Visuomotor control; Blowfly; Control system; Computer simulation; Insect vision; Behaviour
The journal of experimental biology
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Böddeker N, Egelhaaf M. A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies. The journal of experimental biology. 2005;208(8):1563-1572.
Böddeker, N., & Egelhaaf, M. (2005). A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies. The journal of experimental biology, 208(8), 1563-1572. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.01558
Böddeker, Norbert, and Egelhaaf, Martin. 2005. “A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies”. The journal of experimental biology 208 (8): 1563-1572.
Böddeker, N., and Egelhaaf, M. (2005). A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies. The journal of experimental biology 208, 1563-1572.
Böddeker, N., & Egelhaaf, M., 2005. A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies. The journal of experimental biology, 208(8), p 1563-1572.
N. Böddeker and M. Egelhaaf, “A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies”, The journal of experimental biology, vol. 208, 2005, pp. 1563-1572.
Böddeker, N., Egelhaaf, M.: A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies. The journal of experimental biology. 208, 1563-1572 (2005).
Böddeker, Norbert, and Egelhaaf, Martin. “A single control system for smooth and saccade-like pursuit in blowflies”. The journal of experimental biology 208.8 (2005): 1563-1572.
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