QCD thermodynamics with improved actions

Karsch F, Beinlich B, Engels J, Joswig R, Laermann E, Peikert A, Petersson B (1997)
In: Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B, 53(1-3). ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV: 413-416.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The thermodynamics of the SU(3) gauge theory has been analyzed with tree level and tadpole improved Symanzik actions. A comparison with the continuum extrapolated results for the standard Wilson action shows that improved actions lead to a drastic reduction of finite cut-off effects already on lattices with temporal extent N-tau = 4. Results for the pressure, the critical temperature, surface tension and latent heat are presented. First results for the thermodynamics of four-flavour QCD with an improved staggered action are also presented. They indicate similarly large improvement factors for bulk thermodynamics.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
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Karsch F, Beinlich B, Engels J, et al. QCD thermodynamics with improved actions. In: Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B. Vol 53. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV; 1997: 413-416.
Karsch, F., Beinlich, B., Engels, J., Joswig, R., Laermann, E., Peikert, A., & Petersson, B. (1997). QCD thermodynamics with improved actions. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B, 53, 413-416. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0920-5632(96)00674-3
Karsch, Frithjof, Beinlich, B, Engels, Jürgen, Joswig, R, Laermann, Edwin, Peikert, A, and Petersson, Bengt. 1997. “QCD thermodynamics with improved actions”. In Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 53:413-416. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
Karsch, F., Beinlich, B., Engels, J., Joswig, R., Laermann, E., Peikert, A., and Petersson, B. (1997). “QCD thermodynamics with improved actions” in Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements NUCLEAR PHYSICS B, vol. 53, (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV), 413-416.
Karsch, F., et al., 1997. QCD thermodynamics with improved actions. In Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B. no.53 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, pp. 413-416.
F. Karsch, et al., “QCD thermodynamics with improved actions”, Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, NUCLEAR PHYSICS B, vol. 53, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 1997, pp.413-416.
Karsch, F., Beinlich, B., Engels, J., Joswig, R., Laermann, E., Peikert, A., Petersson, B.: QCD thermodynamics with improved actions. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B. 53, p. 413-416. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV (1997).
Karsch, Frithjof, Beinlich, B, Engels, Jürgen, Joswig, R, Laermann, Edwin, Peikert, A, and Petersson, Bengt. “QCD thermodynamics with improved actions”. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 1997.Vol. 53. NUCLEAR PHYSICS B. 413-416.

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