Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts

Bläsing B, Schack T, Brugger P (2008)
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA) 30: S151-S151.

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Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA)
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Bläsing B, Schack T, Brugger P. Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA). 2008;30:S151-S151.
Bläsing, B., Schack, T., & Brugger, P. (2008). Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA), 30, S151-S151.
Bläsing, Bettina, Schack, Thomas, and Brugger, Peter. 2008. “Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts”. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA) 30: S151-S151.
Bläsing, B., Schack, T., and Brugger, P. (2008). Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA) 30, S151-S151.
Bläsing, B., Schack, T., & Brugger, P., 2008. Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA), 30, p S151-S151.
B. Bläsing, T. Schack, and P. Brugger, “Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts”, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA), vol. 30, 2008, pp. S151-S151.
Bläsing, B., Schack, T., Brugger, P.: Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA). 30, S151-S151 (2008).
Bläsing, Bettina, Schack, Thomas, and Brugger, Peter. “Body representation, body activity, and the use of (phantom) body parts”. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, Supplement, (NASPSPA) 30 (2008): S151-S151.

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