Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers

Beyer A, Godt A, Amin I, Nottbohm CT, Schmidt C, Zhao J, Gölzhäuser A (2008)
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10(48): 7233-7238.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Mechanically stable monolayers with chemically functional patterns are fabricated by the combination of spatially resolved chemical lithography with complete cross-linking of aromatic self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). The process starts with a local electron exposure of a SAM of 4'-nitro-1,1'-biphenyl-4-thiol that converts the nitro into amino groups and, additionally, generates a pattern of cross-linked and non cross-linked regions. In the next step, molecules in the non cross-linked regions are exchanged for 1,1'-biphenyl-4-thiol. A subsequent electron exposure cross-links these regions, yielding a fully cross-linked, chemically patterned SAM. The reverse process that generates chemically complementary patterns is also demonstrated. For both processes, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy are used to monitor the fabrication steps and to determine the kinetics of the thiol exchange. The functionality of the fully cross-linked, chemically patterned monolayer is tested by the site selective derivatisation with pentanoic acid chloride.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
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Beyer A, Godt A, Amin I, et al. Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2008;10(48):7233-7238.
Beyer, A., Godt, A., Amin, I., Nottbohm, C. T., Schmidt, C., Zhao, J., & Gölzhäuser, A. (2008). Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10(48), 7233-7238. https://doi.org/10.1039/b809787a
Beyer, André, Godt, Adelheid, Amin, Ihsan, Nottbohm, Christoph T., Schmidt, Christian, Zhao, Jinkai, and Gölzhäuser, Armin. 2008. “Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10 (48): 7233-7238.
Beyer, A., Godt, A., Amin, I., Nottbohm, C. T., Schmidt, C., Zhao, J., and Gölzhäuser, A. (2008). Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10, 7233-7238.
Beyer, A., et al., 2008. Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 10(48), p 7233-7238.
A. Beyer, et al., “Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, vol. 10, 2008, pp. 7233-7238.
Beyer, A., Godt, A., Amin, I., Nottbohm, C.T., Schmidt, C., Zhao, J., Gölzhäuser, A.: Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 10, 7233-7238 (2008).
Beyer, André, Godt, Adelheid, Amin, Ihsan, Nottbohm, Christoph T., Schmidt, Christian, Zhao, Jinkai, and Gölzhäuser, Armin. “Fully cross-linked and chemically patterned self-assembled monolayers”. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 10.48 (2008): 7233-7238.

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