Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces
Horstmann G, Ansorge U (2009)
EMOTION 9(1): 29-38.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Horstmann, GernotUniBi
Ansorge, Ulrich

Abstract / Bemerkung
A number of past studies have used the visual search paradigm to examine whether certain aspects of emotional faces are processed preattentively and can thus be used to guide attention. All these studies presented static depictions of facial prototypes. Emotional expressions conveyed by the movement patterns of the face have never been examined for their preattentive effect. The present study presented for the first time dynamic facial expressions in a visual search paradigm. Experiment 1 revealed efficient search for a dynamic angry face among dynamic friendly faces, but inefficient search in a control condition with static faces. Experiments 2 to 4 suggested that this pattern of results is due to a stronger movement signal in the angry than in the friendly face: No (strong) advantage of dynamic over static faces is revealed when the degree of movement is controlled. These results show that dynamic information can be efficiently utilized in visual search for facial expressions. However, these results do not generally support the hypothesis that emotion-specific movement patterns are always preattentively discriminated.
facial expressions;
visual search;
Page URI
Horstmann G, Ansorge U. Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces. EMOTION. 2009;9(1):29-38.
Horstmann, G., & Ansorge, U. (2009). Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces. EMOTION, 9(1), 29-38.
Horstmann, Gernot, and Ansorge, Ulrich. 2009. “Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces”. EMOTION 9 (1): 29-38.
Horstmann, G., and Ansorge, U. (2009). Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces. EMOTION 9, 29-38.
Horstmann, G., & Ansorge, U., 2009. Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces. EMOTION, 9(1), p 29-38.
G. Horstmann and U. Ansorge, “Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces”, EMOTION, vol. 9, 2009, pp. 29-38.
Horstmann, G., Ansorge, U.: Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces. EMOTION. 9, 29-38 (2009).
Horstmann, Gernot, and Ansorge, Ulrich. “Visual Search for Facial Expressions of Emotions: A Comparison of Dynamic and Static Faces”. EMOTION 9.1 (2009): 29-38.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
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