Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry

Schnack J, Schmid R, Richter J (2007)
Physical Review B 76(5): 54413-54413.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schnack, JürgenUniBi ; Schmid, Reimar; Richter, Johannes
Abstract / Bemerkung
We investigate the magnetocaloric properties of certain antiferromagnetic spin systems that have already been or very likely can be synthesized as magnetic molecules. It turns out that the special geometric frustration which is present in antiferromagnets that consist of corner-sharing triangles leads to an enhanced magnetocaloric effect with high cooling rates in the vicinity of the saturation field. These findings are compared with the behavior of a simple unfrustrated spin ring as well as with the properties of the icosahedron. To our surprise, also for the icosahedron large cooling rates can be achieved but due to a different kind of geometric frustration.
Physical Review B
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Schnack J, Schmid R, Richter J. Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry. Physical Review B. 2007;76(5):54413-54413.
Schnack, J., Schmid, R., & Richter, J. (2007). Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry. Physical Review B, 76(5), 54413-54413. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevE.76.054413
Schnack, Jürgen, Schmid, Reimar, and Richter, Johannes. 2007. “Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry”. Physical Review B 76 (5): 54413-54413.
Schnack, J., Schmid, R., and Richter, J. (2007). Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry. Physical Review B 76, 54413-54413.
Schnack, J., Schmid, R., & Richter, J., 2007. Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry. Physical Review B, 76(5), p 54413-54413.
J. Schnack, R. Schmid, and J. Richter, “Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry”, Physical Review B, vol. 76, 2007, pp. 54413-54413.
Schnack, J., Schmid, R., Richter, J.: Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry. Physical Review B. 76, 54413-54413 (2007).
Schnack, Jürgen, Schmid, Reimar, and Richter, Johannes. “Enhanced magnetocaloric effect in frustrated magnetic molecules with icosahedral symmetry”. Physical Review B 76.5 (2007): 54413-54413.

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