Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets

Müller A, Peters F, Pope MT, Gatteschi D (1998)
CHEMICAL REVIEWS 98(1): 239-272.

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Müller A, Peters F, Pope MT, Gatteschi D. Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets. CHEMICAL REVIEWS. 1998;98(1):239-272.
Müller, A., Peters, F., Pope, M. T., & Gatteschi, D. (1998). Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 98(1), 239-272. https://doi.org/10.1021/cr9603946
Müller, Achim, Peters, F, Pope, MT, and Gatteschi, D. 1998. “Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets”. CHEMICAL REVIEWS 98 (1): 239-272.
Müller, A., Peters, F., Pope, M. T., and Gatteschi, D. (1998). Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets. CHEMICAL REVIEWS 98, 239-272.
Müller, A., et al., 1998. Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 98(1), p 239-272.
A. Müller, et al., “Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets”, CHEMICAL REVIEWS, vol. 98, 1998, pp. 239-272.
Müller, A., Peters, F., Pope, M.T., Gatteschi, D.: Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets. CHEMICAL REVIEWS. 98, 239-272 (1998).
Müller, Achim, Peters, F, Pope, MT, and Gatteschi, D. “Polyoxometalates: Very large clusters - Nanoscale magnets”. CHEMICAL REVIEWS 98.1 (1998): 239-272.

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Polyoxometalate water oxidation catalysts and the production of green fuel.
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DMAP-catalyzed esterification of pentaerythritol-derivatized POMs: a new route for the functionalization of polyoxometalates.
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Zhang ZM, Li YG, Yao S, Wang EB., Dalton Trans 40(24), 2011
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Yao S, Zhang Z, Li Y, Wang E., Dalton Trans 39(16), 2010
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Supramolecular chemistry on a cluster surface: fixation/complexation of potassium and ammonium ions with crown-ether-like rings.
Müller A, Sousa FL, Merca A, Bögge H, Miró P, Fernández JA, Poblet JM, Bo C., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 48(32), 2009
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Huang H, Hau CK, Law CC, Wong HN., Org Biomol Chem 7(7), 2009
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A four-shell, 136-metal 3d-4f heterometallic cluster approximating a rectangular parallelepiped.
Kong XJ, Long LS, Huang RB, Zheng LS, Harris TD, Zheng Z., Chem Commun (Camb) (29), 2009
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Polyoxotungstates now also with pentagonal units: supramolecular chemistry and tuning of magnetic exchange in {(M)M5}12V30 Keplerates (M = Mo, W).
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Guest-directed supramolecular architectures of {W36} polyoxometalate crowns.
McGlone T, Streb C, Long DL, Cronin L., Chem Asian J 4(10), 2009
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A novel organotin-substituted polyoxomolybdate cluster.
Li SL, Zhang YM, Ma JF, Lan YQ, Yang J., Dalton Trans (8), 2008
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Ritchie C, Ferguson A, Nojiri H, Miras HN, Song YF, Long DL, Burkholder E, Murrie M, Kögerler P, Brechin EK, Cronin L., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 47(30), 2008
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Polyoxometalate (POM) Oxidation of Phenols: Effect of Aromatic Substituent Groups on Reaction Mechanism.
Kim YS, Chang HM, Kadla JF., Journal of wood chemistry and technology. 28(1), 2008
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New trimeric polyoxotungstate aggregates based on [P2W12O48]14- building blocks.
Zhang ZM, Yao S, Li YG, Wang YH, Qi YF, Wang EB., Chem Commun (Camb) (14), 2008
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A new heart-like Co-containing polyoxoanion based on the lacunary Preyssler anion.
Zhang Z, Yao S, Qi Y, Li Y, Wang Y, Wang E., Dalton Trans (23), 2008
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A polyoxometalate-based manganese carboxylate cluster.
Fang X, Kögerler P., Chem Commun (Camb) (29), 2008
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Structure, formation, and dynamics of Mo(12) and Mo(16) oxothiomolybdenum rings containing terephtalate derivatives.
Lemonnier JF, Floquet S, Marrot J, Terazzi E, Piguet C, Lesot P, Pinto A, Cadot E., Chemistry 13(12), 2007
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A large, bowl-shaped {Mo51V9} polyoxometalate.
Wang S, Lin X, Wan Y, Yang W, Zhang S, Lu C, Zhuang H., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 46(19), 2007
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Highly reduced, polyoxo(alkoxo)vanadium(III/IV) clusters.
Tidmarsh IS, Laye RH, Brearley PR, Shanmugam M, Sañudo EC, Sorace L, Caneschi A, McInnes EJ., Chemistry 13(22), 2007
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Giant polyniobate clusters based on [Nb7O22]9- units derived from a Nb6O19 precursor.
Niu J, Ma P, Niu H, Li J, Zhao J, Song Y, Wang J., Chemistry 13(31), 2007
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A wheel-shaped single-molecule magnet of [MnII 3MnIII 4]: quantum tunneling of magnetization under static and pulse magnetic fields.
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Host-guest adaptability within oxothiomolybdenum wheels: structures, studies in solution and DFT calculations.
Lemonnier JF, Floquet S, Kachmar A, Rohmer MM, Bénard M, Marrot J, Terazzi E, Piguet C, Cadot E., Dalton Trans (28), 2007
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A high-nuclearity, beyond "fully reduced" polyoxo(alkoxo)vanadium(III/IV) cage.
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Triangular geometrical and magnetic motifs uniquely linked on a spherical capsule surface.
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A small cavity with reactive internal shell atoms spanned by four {As(W/V)9}-type building blocks allows host-guest chemistry under confined conditions.
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Ferrimagnetically ordered nanosized polyoxomolybdate-based cluster spheres.
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Step-by-step assembly of trivacant tungstosilicates: synthesis and characterization of tetrameric anions.
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Co-ordination chemistry of amino pendant arm derivatives of 1,4,7-triazacyclononane.
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