Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval

Jokeit H, Heger R, Ebner A, Markowitsch HJ (1998)
NEUROREPORT 9(10): 2371-2373.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Jokeit, H; Heger, R; Ebner, A; Markowitsch, Hans J.UniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
WE examined whether 53 adult non-aphasic patients with either left (22) or right temporal lobe lesions (31) demonstrate dissociable patterns of hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word fluency tasks. The patients were asked to articulate as many appropriate words as possible within 60 or 90 s in response to six target categories. There was no effect of patient groups on the overall fluency. However, patients with a left-sided temporal lobe lesion were impaired retrieving words to 'initial letters' and to the category 'animals'. Right temporal lobe patients were impaired retrieving 'tools' and words referring to specific visual attributes. There were no fluency differences for 'food-supermarket goods' and 'flat interior'. We conclude that temporal lobe damage can result in category-specific impairments in word retrieval depending on the affected hemisphere. NeuroReport 9: 2371-2373 (C) 1998 Rapid Science Ltd.
neuropsychology; temporal lobe epilepsy; word retrieval; memory; semantic knowledge
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Jokeit H, Heger R, Ebner A, Markowitsch HJ. Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval. NEUROREPORT. 1998;9(10):2371-2373.
Jokeit, H., Heger, R., Ebner, A., & Markowitsch, H. J. (1998). Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval. NEUROREPORT, 9(10), 2371-2373. https://doi.org/10.1097/00001756-199807130-00040
Jokeit, H, Heger, R, Ebner, A, and Markowitsch, Hans J. 1998. “Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval”. NEUROREPORT 9 (10): 2371-2373.
Jokeit, H., Heger, R., Ebner, A., and Markowitsch, H. J. (1998). Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval. NEUROREPORT 9, 2371-2373.
Jokeit, H., et al., 1998. Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval. NEUROREPORT, 9(10), p 2371-2373.
H. Jokeit, et al., “Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval”, NEUROREPORT, vol. 9, 1998, pp. 2371-2373.
Jokeit, H., Heger, R., Ebner, A., Markowitsch, H.J.: Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval. NEUROREPORT. 9, 2371-2373 (1998).
Jokeit, H, Heger, R, Ebner, A, and Markowitsch, Hans J. “Hemispheric asymmetries in category-specific word retrieval”. NEUROREPORT 9.10 (1998): 2371-2373.

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