The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
Coles M, Diercks T, Muehlenweg B, Bartsch S, Zolzer V, Tschesche H, Kessler H (1999)
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Coles, M;
Diercks, T;
Muehlenweg, B;
Bartsch, S;
Zolzer, V;
Tschesche, HaraldUniBi;
Kessler, H
Abstract / Bemerkung
Human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (HNGAL) is a member of the lipocalin family of extracellular proteins that function as transporters of small, hydrophobic molecules. HNGAL, a component of human blood granulocytes, binds bacterially derived formyl peptides that act as chemotactic agents and induce leukocyte granule discharge. HNGAL also forms a complex with the proenzyme form of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (pro-MMP-9, or progelatinase B) via an intermolecular disulphide bridge. This association allows the subsequent formation of ternary and quaternary metalloproteinase/inhibitor complexes that vary greatly in their metalloproteinase activities. The structure and dynamics of apo-HNGAL have been determined by NMR spectroscopy. Simulated annealing calculations yielded a set of 20 convergent structures with an average backbone RMSD from mean coordinate positions of 0.79(+/-0.13) Angstrom over secondary structure elements. The overall rotational correlation time (13.3 ns) derived from N-15 relaxation data is consistent with a monomeric protein of the size of HNGAL (179 residues) under the experimental conditions (1.4 mM protein, pH 6.0, 24.5 degrees C). The structure features an eight stranded antiparallel beta-barrel, typical of the lipocalin family. One end of the barrel is open, providing access to the binding site within the barrel cavity, while the other is closed by a short 3(10)-helix. The free cysteine residue required for association with pro-MMP-9 lies in an inter-strand loop at the closed end of the barrel. The structure provides a detailed model of the ligand-binding site and has led to the proposal of a site for pro-MMP-9 association. Dynamic data correlate well with structural features, which has allowed us to investigate a mechanism by which a cell-surface receptor might distinguish between apo and holo-HNGAL through conformational changes at the open end of the barrel. (C) 1999 Academic Press.
protein structure;
human neutrophil;
gelatinase-associated lipocalin;
protein-protein interactions;
protein dynamics
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Coles M, Diercks T, Muehlenweg B, et al. The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 1999;289(1):139-157.
Coles, M., Diercks, T., Muehlenweg, B., Bartsch, S., Zolzer, V., Tschesche, H., & Kessler, H. (1999). The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 289(1), 139-157.
Coles, M, Diercks, T, Muehlenweg, B, Bartsch, S, Zolzer, V, Tschesche, Harald, and Kessler, H. 1999. “The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin”. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 289 (1): 139-157.
Coles, M., Diercks, T., Muehlenweg, B., Bartsch, S., Zolzer, V., Tschesche, H., and Kessler, H. (1999). The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 289, 139-157.
Coles, M., et al., 1999. The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 289(1), p 139-157.
M. Coles, et al., “The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin”, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, vol. 289, 1999, pp. 139-157.
Coles, M., Diercks, T., Muehlenweg, B., Bartsch, S., Zolzer, V., Tschesche, H., Kessler, H.: The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 289, 139-157 (1999).
Coles, M, Diercks, T, Muehlenweg, B, Bartsch, S, Zolzer, V, Tschesche, Harald, and Kessler, H. “The solution structure and dynamics of human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin”. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 289.1 (1999): 139-157.
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N_gelatinase (INTERPRO: IPR003087)
Protein family/domain name: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
Protein family/domain name: Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin
1 Eintrag gefunden, die diesen Artikel zitieren
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (UNIPROT: P80188)
Organism: Homo sapiens
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Organism: Homo sapiens
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solution nmr (PDB: 1ngl)
Protein structure name: human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (hngal), regularised average nmr structure
Public wwPDB file in PDB format
Protein structure name: human neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (hngal), regularised average nmr structure
Public wwPDB file in PDB format
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