Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin

Schwettmann L, Tschesche H (2001)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schwettmann, L; Tschesche, HaraldUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
ADAM 9 is a member of the cellular metalloprotease/ disintegrin/cysteine-rich (MDC) gene family, related to soluble snake venom metalloproteases (SVMP). ADAMs may play important roles in cell-cell fusion, cell-matrix interaction, and other cellular functions. To investigate catalytic activity of human ADAM 9 we have cloned and expressed the metalloprotease domain of human ADAM 9 in Pichia pastoris. The recombinant protein was purified in a three-step purification procedure and activity was detected against gelatin, p-casein, and fibronectin. In addition we identified five normal and cancer cell lines expressing mRNA of human ADAM 9. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
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Schwettmann L, Tschesche H. Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION. 2001;21(1):65-70.
Schwettmann, L., & Tschesche, H. (2001). Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION, 21(1), 65-70.
Schwettmann, L, and Tschesche, Harald. 2001. “Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin”. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 21 (1): 65-70.
Schwettmann, L., and Tschesche, H. (2001). Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 21, 65-70.
Schwettmann, L., & Tschesche, H., 2001. Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION, 21(1), p 65-70.
L. Schwettmann and H. Tschesche, “Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin”, PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION, vol. 21, 2001, pp. 65-70.
Schwettmann, L., Tschesche, H.: Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION. 21, 65-70 (2001).
Schwettmann, L, and Tschesche, Harald. “Cloning and expression in Pichia pastoris of metalloprotease domain of ADAM 9 catalytically active against fibronectin”. PROTEIN EXPRESSION AND PURIFICATION 21.1 (2001): 65-70.

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