Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures

Gheorghe R, Andruh M, Müller A, Schmidtmann M (2002)
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 41(21): 5314-5316.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Gheorghe, R; Andruh, Marius; Müller, AchimUniBi ; Schmidtmann, Marc
Abstract / Bemerkung
The heterobinuclear complex [CuPrL(NO3)(3)] has been used as a building block for the construction of a two-dimensional coordination polymer with the formula (2)(infinity)[CuPrL(NO3)(2)(IN)], 1 (L2- = the dianion of the compartmental Schiff-base ligand obtained from the 2:1 condensation of 3-methoxysalicylaldehyde with 1,3-propanediamine; IN- = the isonicotinate ion). The heterobinuclear units, [CuPrL(NO3)(2)](+), are connected through the unsymmetrical exo-bidentate ligands, IN-, leading to a unique extended structure. Crystal data for compound 1: FW, 790.94; monoclinic, space group P2(1)/n, a = 11.2837(3) (A) over circle, b = 14.7785(4) (A) over circle, c = 16.9745(4) (A) over circle, p = 100.427(l)degrees; V = 2783.86(12) (A) over circle (3); Z = 4; R1 = 0.0210, wR2 = 0.0562 [1 > 2sigma(1)].
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Gheorghe R, Andruh M, Müller A, Schmidtmann M. Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 2002;41(21):5314-5316.
Gheorghe, R., Andruh, M., Müller, A., & Schmidtmann, M. (2002). Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 41(21), 5314-5316. https://doi.org/10.1021/ic020293s
Gheorghe, R, Andruh, Marius, Müller, Achim, and Schmidtmann, Marc. 2002. “Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures”. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 41 (21): 5314-5316.
Gheorghe, R., Andruh, M., Müller, A., and Schmidtmann, M. (2002). Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 41, 5314-5316.
Gheorghe, R., et al., 2002. Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, 41(21), p 5314-5316.
R. Gheorghe, et al., “Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures”, INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, vol. 41, 2002, pp. 5314-5316.
Gheorghe, R., Andruh, M., Müller, A., Schmidtmann, M.: Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY. 41, 5314-5316 (2002).
Gheorghe, R, Andruh, Marius, Müller, Achim, and Schmidtmann, Marc. “Heterobinuclear complexes as building blocks in designing extended structures”. INORGANIC CHEMISTRY 41.21 (2002): 5314-5316.

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