Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject

Müller A, Toma L, Bögge H, Schmidtmann M, Kögerler P (2003)

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Müller, AchimUniBi ; Toma, L; Bögge, HartmutUniBi; Schmidtmann, Marc; Kögerler, Paul
Abstract / Bemerkung
The new type of inclusion species [(Mo114Mo32O429)-Mo-VI-O-V(H2O)(50)(KSO4)(16)](30-) comprising 16 encapsulated K+ and SO42- ions shows an unusual 64-membered {K(SO4)}(16) ring integrated into a wheel-shaped type nanocluster host; it is formed by a synergetically induced functional complementarity and represents a text-book example of a very complex non-biological material.
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Müller A, Toma L, Bögge H, Schmidtmann M, Kögerler P. Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2003;(16):2000-2001.
Müller, A., Toma, L., Bögge, H., Schmidtmann, M., & Kögerler, P. (2003). Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS(16), 2000-2001.
Müller, Achim, Toma, L, Bögge, Hartmut, Schmidtmann, Marc, and Kögerler, Paul. 2003. “Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject”. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, no. 16: 2000-2001.
Müller, A., Toma, L., Bögge, H., Schmidtmann, M., and Kögerler, P. (2003). Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2000-2001.
Müller, A., et al., 2003. Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, (16), p 2000-2001.
A. Müller, et al., “Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 2003, pp. 2000-2001.
Müller, A., Toma, L., Bögge, H., Schmidtmann, M., Kögerler, P.: Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2000-2001 (2003).
Müller, Achim, Toma, L, Bögge, Hartmut, Schmidtmann, Marc, and Kögerler, Paul. “Synergetic activation of "silent receptor" sites leading to a new type of inclusion complex: integration of a 64-membered ring comprising K+ and SO42- ions into a molybdenum oxide-based nanoobject”. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 16 (2003): 2000-2001.

3 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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Self-assembly in aqueous solution of wheel-shaped Mo154 oxide clusters into vesicles.
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