The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+

Jutzi P, Mix A, Rummel B, Schoeller W, Neumann B, Stammler H-G (2004)
SCIENCE 305(5685): 849-851.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The reaction of decamethylsilicocene, (Me-5 C-5)(2)Si, with the proton-transfer reagent Me5C5H2+ B(C6F5)(4)- produces the salt (Me5C5)Si+ B(C6F5)(4)- (2), which can be isolated as a colorless solid that is stable in the absence of air and moisture. The crystal structure reveals the presence of a cationic pi complex with an eta(5)-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl ligand bound to a bare silicon center. The Si-29 nuclear magnetic resonance at very high field (delta = -400.2 parts per million) is typical of a pi complex of divalent silicon. The (eta(5)-Me5C5)Si+ cation in 2 can be regarded as the "resting state" of a silyliumylidene-type (eta(1)-Me5C5)Si+ cation. The availability of 2 opens new synthetic avenues in organosilicon chemistry. For example, 2 reacted with lithium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide to give the disilene E-{(eta(1)-Me5C5)[N(SiMe3)(2)]Si}(2) (3).
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Jutzi P, Mix A, Rummel B, Schoeller W, Neumann B, Stammler H-G. The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+. SCIENCE. 2004;305(5685):849-851.
Jutzi, P., Mix, A., Rummel, B., Schoeller, W., Neumann, B., & Stammler, H. - G. (2004). The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+. SCIENCE, 305(5685), 849-851.
Jutzi, Peter, Mix, Andreas, Rummel, B, Schoeller, Wolfgang, Neumann, B, and Stammler, Hans-Georg. 2004. “The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+”. SCIENCE 305 (5685): 849-851.
Jutzi, P., Mix, A., Rummel, B., Schoeller, W., Neumann, B., and Stammler, H. - G. (2004). The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+. SCIENCE 305, 849-851.
Jutzi, P., et al., 2004. The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+. SCIENCE, 305(5685), p 849-851.
P. Jutzi, et al., “The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+”, SCIENCE, vol. 305, 2004, pp. 849-851.
Jutzi, P., Mix, A., Rummel, B., Schoeller, W., Neumann, B., Stammler, H.-G.: The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+. SCIENCE. 305, 849-851 (2004).
Jutzi, Peter, Mix, Andreas, Rummel, B, Schoeller, Wolfgang, Neumann, B, and Stammler, Hans-Georg. “The (Me5C5)Si+ cation: A stable derivative of HSi+”. SCIENCE 305.5685 (2004): 849-851.

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