Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight
Kern R, van Hateren JH, Michaelis C, Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M (2005)
PLoS Biology 3(6): e171-1138.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
Kern, RolandUniBi
van Hateren, JH;
Michaelis, C;
Lindemann, Jens PeterUniBi
Egelhaaf, MartinUniBi 

PLoS Biology
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Kern R, van Hateren JH, Michaelis C, Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M. Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight. PLoS Biology. 2005;3(6):e171-1138.
Kern, R., van Hateren, J. H., Michaelis, C., Lindemann, J. P., & Egelhaaf, M. (2005). Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight. PLoS Biology, 3(6), e171-1138.
Kern, Roland, van Hateren, JH, Michaelis, C, Lindemann, Jens Peter, and Egelhaaf, Martin. 2005. “Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight”. PLoS Biology 3 (6): e171-1138.
Kern, R., van Hateren, J. H., Michaelis, C., Lindemann, J. P., and Egelhaaf, M. (2005). Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight. PLoS Biology 3, e171-1138.
Kern, R., et al., 2005. Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight. PLoS Biology, 3(6), p e171-1138.
R. Kern, et al., “Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight”, PLoS Biology, vol. 3, 2005, pp. e171-1138.
Kern, R., van Hateren, J.H., Michaelis, C., Lindemann, J.P., Egelhaaf, M.: Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight. PLoS Biology. 3, e171-1138 (2005).
Kern, Roland, van Hateren, JH, Michaelis, C, Lindemann, Jens Peter, and Egelhaaf, Martin. “Function of a fly motion-sensitive neuron matches eye movements during free flight”. PLoS Biology 3.6 (2005): e171-1138.
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Sensory Flow as a Basis for a Novel Distance Cue in Freely Behaving Electric Fish.
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Evolution of Biological Image Stabilization.
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Texture-defined objects influence responses of blowfly motion-sensitive neurons under natural dynamical conditions.
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Depth information in natural environments derived from optic flow by insect motion detection system: a model analysis.
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Impact of stride-coupled gaze shifts of walking blowflies on the neuronal representation of visual targets.
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Visual motion-sensitive neurons in the bumblebee brain convey information about landmarks during a navigational task.
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Temporal statistics of natural image sequences generated by movements with insect flight characteristics.
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Motion as a source of environmental information: a fresh view on biological motion computation by insect brains.
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Influence of environmental information in natural scenes and the effects of motion adaptation on a fly motion-sensitive neuron during simulated flight.
Ullrich TW, Kern R, Egelhaaf M., Biol Open 4(1), 2014
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Spectral inputs and ocellar contributions to a pitch-sensitive descending neuron in the honeybee.
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Optogenetic control of fly optomotor responses.
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Encoding of naturalistic optic flow by motion sensitive neurons of nucleus rotundus in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata).
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Octopaminergic modulation of a fly visual motion-sensitive neuron during stimulation with naturalistic optic flow.
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Texture dependence of motion sensing and free flight behavior in blowflies.
Lindemann JP, Egelhaaf M., Front Behav Neurosci 6(), 2012
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Prototypical components of honeybee homing flight behavior depend on the visual appearance of objects surrounding the goal.
Braun E, Dittmar L, Boeddeker N, Egelhaaf M., Front Behav Neurosci 6(), 2012
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Object representation and distance encoding in three-dimensional environments by a neural circuit in the visual system of the blowfly.
Liang P, Heitwerth J, Kern R, Kurtz R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 107(12), 2012
PMID: 22423002
Liang P, Heitwerth J, Kern R, Kurtz R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 107(12), 2012
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Species-Specific Flight Styles of Flies are Reflected in the Response Dynamics of a Homolog Motion-Sensitive Neuron.
Geurten BR, Kern R, Egelhaaf M., Front Integr Neurosci 6(), 2012
PMID: 22485089
Geurten BR, Kern R, Egelhaaf M., Front Integr Neurosci 6(), 2012
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Neuronal encoding of object and distance information: a model simulation study on naturalistic optic flow processing.
Hennig P, Egelhaaf M., Front Neural Circuits 6(), 2012
PMID: 22461769
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Spatial vision in insects is facilitated by shaping the dynamics of visual input through behavioral action.
Egelhaaf M, Boeddeker N, Kern R, Kurtz R, Lindemann JP., Front Neural Circuits 6(), 2012
PMID: 23269913
Egelhaaf M, Boeddeker N, Kern R, Kurtz R, Lindemann JP., Front Neural Circuits 6(), 2012
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Multi-camera real-time three-dimensional tracking of multiple flying animals.
Straw AD, Branson K, Neumann TR, Dickinson MH., J R Soc Interface 8(56), 2011
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Impact of visual motion adaptation on neural responses to objects and its dependence on the temporal characteristics of optic flow.
Liang P, Kern R, Kurtz R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 105(4), 2011
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Natural visual cues eliciting predator avoidance in fiddler crabs.
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Flight activity alters velocity tuning of fly motion-sensitive neurons.
Jung SN, Borst A, Haag J., J Neurosci 31(25), 2011
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Synaptic transmission of graded membrane potential changes and spikes between identified visual interneurons.
Rien D, Kern R, Kurtz R., Eur J Neurosci 34(5), 2011
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Visual response properties of neck motor neurons in the honeybee.
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An olfactory circuit increases the fidelity of visual behavior.
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Processing of horizontal optic flow in three visual interneurons of the Drosophila brain.
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The fine structure of honeybee head and body yaw movements in a homing task.
Boeddeker N, Dittmar L, Stürzl W, Egelhaaf M., Proc Biol Sci 277(1689), 2010
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Identifying prototypical components in behaviour using clustering algorithms.
Braun E, Geurten B, Egelhaaf M., PLoS One 5(2), 2010
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Sensor fusion in identified visual interneurons.
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Dynamics of optomotor responses in Drosophila to perturbations in optic flow.
Theobald JC, Ringach DL, Frye MA., J Exp Biol 213(pt 8), 2010
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Chasing behavior and optomotor following in free-flying male blowflies: flight performance and interactions of the underlying control systems.
Trischler C, Kern R, Egelhaaf M., Front Behav Neurosci 4(), 2010
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Motion adaptation and the velocity coding of natural scenes.
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Walking modulates speed sensitivity in Drosophila motion vision.
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Octopaminergic modulation of temporal frequency coding in an identified optic flow-processing interneuron.
Longden KD, Krapp HG., Front Syst Neurosci 4(), 2010
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Random stimulation of spider mechanosensory neurons reveals long-lasting excitation by GABA and muscimol.
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Network adaptation improves temporal representation of naturalistic stimuli in Drosophila eye: I dynamics.
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Precise timing in fly motion vision is mediated by fast components of combined graded and spike signals.
Beckers U, Egelhaaf M, Kurtz R., Neuroscience 160(3), 2009
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Robust models for optic flow coding in natural scenes inspired by insect biology.
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Saccadic flight strategy facilitates collision avoidance: closed-loop performance of a cyberfly.
Lindemann JP, Weiss H, Möller R, Egelhaaf M., Biol Cybern 98(3), 2008
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Crossmodal visual input for odor tracking during fly flight.
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Vision and the organization of behaviour.
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Sexual dimorphism in the hoverfly motion vision pathway.
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Visuomotor transformation in the fly gaze stabilization system.
Huston SJ, Krapp HG., PLoS Biol 6(7), 2008
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Active electrolocation in Gnathonemus petersii: behaviour, sensory performance, and receptor systems.
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The optokinetic response in wild type and white zebra finches.
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Characterisation of a blowfly male-specific neuron using behaviourally generated visual stimuli.
Trischler C, Boeddeker N, Egelhaaf M., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 193(5), 2007
PMID: 17333206
Trischler C, Boeddeker N, Egelhaaf M., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol 193(5), 2007
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Robust coding of flow-field parameters by axo-axonal gap junctions between fly visual interneurons.
Cuntz H, Haag J, Forstner F, Segev I, Borst A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104(24), 2007
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Cuntz H, Haag J, Forstner F, Segev I, Borst A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104(24), 2007
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Adaptive motor behavior in insects.
Ritzmann RE, Büschges A., Curr Opin Neurobiol 17(6), 2007
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Information and discriminability as measures of reliability of sensory coding.
Grewe J, Weckström M, Egelhaaf M, Warzecha AK., PLoS One 2(12), 2007
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Grewe J, Weckström M, Egelhaaf M, Warzecha AK., PLoS One 2(12), 2007
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Encoding of naturalistic optic flow by a population of blowfly motion-sensitive neurons.
Karmeier K, van Hateren JH, Kern R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 96(3), 2006
PMID: 16687623
Karmeier K, van Hateren JH, Kern R, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 96(3), 2006
PMID: 16687623
Implications of functionally different synaptic inputs for neuronal gain and computational properties of fly visual interneurons.
Grewe J, Matos N, Egelhaaf M, Warzecha AK., J Neurophysiol 96(4), 2006
PMID: 16790602
Grewe J, Matos N, Egelhaaf M, Warzecha AK., J Neurophysiol 96(4), 2006
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Nonlinear, binocular interactions underlying flow field selectivity of a motion-sensitive neuron.
Farrow K, Haag J, Borst A., Nat Neurosci 9(10), 2006
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Farrow K, Haag J, Borst A., Nat Neurosci 9(10), 2006
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Population coding of self-motion: applying bayesian analysis to a population of visual interneurons in the fly.
Karmeier K, Krapp HG, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 94(3), 2005
PMID: 15901759
Karmeier K, Krapp HG, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 94(3), 2005
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Motion adaptation leads to parsimonious encoding of natural optic flow by blowfly motion vision system.
Heitwerth J, Kern R, van Hateren JH, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 94(3), 2005
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Heitwerth J, Kern R, van Hateren JH, Egelhaaf M., J Neurophysiol 94(3), 2005
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