The COMPASS polarized target

Doshita N, Ball J, Baum G, Finger M, Gautheron F, Goertz S, Hasegawa T, Horikawa N, Ishimoto S, Iwata T, Kisselev Y, et al. (2005)
In: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 55(S1). Springer Science and Business Media LLC: A367-A374.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Doshita, N; Ball, J; Baum, GünterUniBi; Finger, M; Gautheron, FabriceUniBi; Goertz, S; Hasegawa, T; Horikawa, N; Ishimoto, S; Iwata, T; Kisselev, Y; Koivuniemi, J
Abstract / Bemerkung
The spin structure of the nucleons is investigated by studying spin dependent process of deep inelastic scattering of a polarized muon beam and a polarized nucleon target in the COMPASS experiment since 2001. In order to achieve high luminosities it is necessary to use a large solid polarized target. The target consists of two independent and oppositely longitudinal polarized cells. The cells are filled with irradiated (LiD)-Li-6 granulated material. One of the characteristics of the polarized target is the spin reversal by magnetic field rotation in order to cancel the systematic error. The polarized target apparatus consists of a large refrigerator providing a low temperature of below 100mK and a high cooling power with 200-300 mK, a superconducting magnet producing 2.5 T with good field homogeneity, two high power of a few watts microwave systems producing 70 GHz for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (DNP) and 10 NMR signals detection system for the polarization measurement.
polarized target; COMPASS
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
Serien- oder Zeitschriftentitel
Czechoslovak Journal of Physics
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Doshita N, Ball J, Baum G, et al. The COMPASS polarized target. In: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Vol 55. Springer Science and Business Media LLC; 2005: A367-A374.
Doshita, N., Ball, J., Baum, G., Finger, M., Gautheron, F., Goertz, S., Hasegawa, T., et al. (2005). The COMPASS polarized target. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 55, A367-A374. Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
Doshita, N, Ball, J, Baum, Günter, Finger, M, Gautheron, Fabrice, Goertz, S, Hasegawa, T, et al. 2005. “The COMPASS polarized target”. In Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 55:A367-A374. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Springer Science and Business Media LLC.
Doshita, N., Ball, J., Baum, G., Finger, M., Gautheron, F., Goertz, S., Hasegawa, T., Horikawa, N., Ishimoto, S., Iwata, T., et al. (2005). “The COMPASS polarized target” in Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, vol. 55, (Springer Science and Business Media LLC), A367-A374.
Doshita, N., et al., 2005. The COMPASS polarized target. In Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. no.55 Springer Science and Business Media LLC, pp. A367-A374.
N. Doshita, et al., “The COMPASS polarized target”, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, vol. 55, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2005, pp.A367-A374.
Doshita, N., Ball, J., Baum, G., Finger, M., Gautheron, F., Goertz, S., Hasegawa, T., Horikawa, N., Ishimoto, S., Iwata, T., Kisselev, Y., Koivuniemi, J., Kondo, K., Matsuda, T., Meyer, W., Neliba, S., Reicherz, G.: The COMPASS polarized target. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. 55, p. A367-A374. Springer Science and Business Media LLC (2005).
Doshita, N, Ball, J, Baum, Günter, Finger, M, Gautheron, Fabrice, Goertz, S, Hasegawa, T, Horikawa, N, Ishimoto, S, Iwata, T, Kisselev, Y, Koivuniemi, J, Kondo, K, Matsuda, T, Meyer, W, Neliba, S, and Reicherz, G. “The COMPASS polarized target”. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2005.Vol. 55. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics. A367-A374.

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