Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation

Miyazaki K, Kaku M, Miyaji G, Abdurrouf A, Faisal F (2005)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Miyazaki, K; Kaku, M; Miyaji, G; Abdurrouf, A; Faisal, FarhadUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
High-order harmonic generation is demonstrated to provide a sensitive way for an extensive study of dynamic processes in the field-free alignment of strong-field-induced molecular rotational wave packets. The time-dependent harmonic signal observed from field-free-aligned N-2, O-2, and CO2 has been found to include two sets of beat frequency for pairs of coherently populated rotational states. One of them is the well-known frequency component characterizing the field-free alignment of molecules, and the other is ascribed to the beat that arises from coherence embedded in the wave packet. We discuss the effect of each frequency component on the revival signal observed with the harmonic generation.
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Miyazaki K, Kaku M, Miyaji G, Abdurrouf A, Faisal F. Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 2005;95(24): 243903.
Miyazaki, K., Kaku, M., Miyaji, G., Abdurrouf, A., & Faisal, F. (2005). Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 95(24), 243903.
Miyazaki, K, Kaku, M, Miyaji, G, Abdurrouf, A, and Faisal, Farhad. 2005. “Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation”. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95 (24): 243903.
Miyazaki, K., Kaku, M., Miyaji, G., Abdurrouf, A., and Faisal, F. (2005). Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95:243903.
Miyazaki, K., et al., 2005. Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 95(24): 243903.
K. Miyazaki, et al., “Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 95, 2005, : 243903.
Miyazaki, K., Kaku, M., Miyaji, G., Abdurrouf, A., Faisal, F.: Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 95, : 243903 (2005).
Miyazaki, K, Kaku, M, Miyaji, G, Abdurrouf, A, and Faisal, Farhad. “Field-free alignment of molecules observed with high-order harmonic generation”. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 95.24 (2005): 243903.

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