Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory

Schack T, Mechsner F (2006)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schack, ThomasUniBi; Mechsner, F
Abstract / Bemerkung
This study uses the example of the tennis serve to investigate the nature and role of long-term memory in skilled athletic performance. Information processing linked with complex movements has always been notoriously difficult to investigate. However, a new experimental method revealed that athletic expertise was characterized by well-integrated networks of so-called basic action concepts (BACs) that each corresponded to functionally meaningful submovements. In high-level experts, these representational frameworks were organized in a distinctive hierarchical tree-like structure, were remarkably similar between individuals and were well matched with the functional and biomechanical demands of the task. In comparison, action representations in low-level players and nonplayers were organized less hierarchically, were more variable between persons and were less well matched with functional and biomechanical demands. It is concluded that, in concert with situational goals and constraints, movement representations of this kind in long-term memory might provide the basis for action control in skilled voluntary movements in the form of suitably organized perceptual-cognitive reference structures. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
action control; cognitive representations; long-term; memory; motor behavior; motor learning; motor programs; action grammar
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Schack T, Mechsner F. Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 2006;391(3):77-81.
Schack, T., & Mechsner, F. (2006). Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 391(3), 77-81.
Schack, Thomas, and Mechsner, F. 2006. “Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory”. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 391 (3): 77-81.
Schack, T., and Mechsner, F. (2006). Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 391, 77-81.
Schack, T., & Mechsner, F., 2006. Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, 391(3), p 77-81.
T. Schack and F. Mechsner, “Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory”, NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS, vol. 391, 2006, pp. 77-81.
Schack, T., Mechsner, F.: Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS. 391, 77-81 (2006).
Schack, Thomas, and Mechsner, F. “Representation of motor skills in human long-term memory”. NEUROSCIENCE LETTERS 391.3 (2006): 77-81.

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