Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition

Dziobek I, Fleck S, Kalbe E, Rogers K, Hassenstab J, Brand M, Kessler J, Woike JK, Wolf OT, Convit A (2006)

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Dziobek, Isabel; Fleck, Stefan; Kalbe, ElkeUniBi; Rogers, Kimberley; Hassenstab, Jason; Brand, MatthiasUniBi; Kessler, Josef; Woike, Jan K.; Wolf, Oliver T.; Convit, Antonio
Abstract / Bemerkung
In the present study we introduce a sensitive video-based test for the evaluation of subtle mindreading difficulties: the Movie for the Assessment of Social Cognition (MASC). This new mindreading tool involves watching a short film and answering questions referring to the actors' mental states. A group of adults with Asperger syndrome (n = 19) and well-matched control subjects (n = 20) were administered the MASC and three other mindreading tools as part of a broader neuropsychological testing session. Compared to control subjects, Asperger individuals exhibited marked and selective difficulties in social cognition. A Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis for the mindreading tests identified the MASC as discriminating the diagnostic groups most accurately. Issues pertaining to the multidimensionality of the social cognition construct are discussed.
formats; emotion recognition; Asperger syndrome; theory of mind; naturalistic test; mindreading
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Dziobek I, Fleck S, Kalbe E, et al. Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition. JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS. 2006;36(5):623-636.
Dziobek, I., Fleck, S., Kalbe, E., Rogers, K., Hassenstab, J., Brand, M., Kessler, J., et al. (2006). Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition. JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, 36(5), 623-636.
Dziobek, Isabel, Fleck, Stefan, Kalbe, Elke, Rogers, Kimberley, Hassenstab, Jason, Brand, Matthias, Kessler, Josef, Woike, Jan K., Wolf, Oliver T., and Convit, Antonio. 2006. “Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition”. JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS 36 (5): 623-636.
Dziobek, I., Fleck, S., Kalbe, E., Rogers, K., Hassenstab, J., Brand, M., Kessler, J., Woike, J. K., Wolf, O. T., and Convit, A. (2006). Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition. JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS 36, 623-636.
Dziobek, I., et al., 2006. Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition. JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, 36(5), p 623-636.
I. Dziobek, et al., “Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition”, JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS, vol. 36, 2006, pp. 623-636.
Dziobek, I., Fleck, S., Kalbe, E., Rogers, K., Hassenstab, J., Brand, M., Kessler, J., Woike, J.K., Wolf, O.T., Convit, A.: Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition. JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS. 36, 623-636 (2006).
Dziobek, Isabel, Fleck, Stefan, Kalbe, Elke, Rogers, Kimberley, Hassenstab, Jason, Brand, Matthias, Kessler, Josef, Woike, Jan K., Wolf, Oliver T., and Convit, Antonio. “Introducing MASC: A movie for the assessment of social cognition”. JOURNAL OF AUTISM AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS 36.5 (2006): 623-636.

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