Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium
Borghini N, Wiedemann UA (2006)
In: Nuclear Physics A. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 774. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV: 549-552.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Borghini, NicolasUniBi
Wiedemann, Urs Achim

Abstract / Bemerkung
The "jet-quenching" interpretation of suppressed high-p(T) hadron production at RHIC implies that jet multiplicity distributions and jet-like particle correlations in heavy-ion collisions at RHIC and LHC differ strongly from those seen at e(+)e(-) or pp (p (p) over bar) colliders. Here, we present an approach for describing the changes induced by the medium, which implements jet quenching as a probabilistic medium-modified parton shower, treating leading and subleading parton splittings on an equal footing. We show that the strong suppression of single inclusive hadron spectra measured in Au-Au collisions at RHIC implies a characteristic distortion of the single inclusive distribution of soft partons inside the jet. We determine, as a function of jet energy, to what extent the soft jet fragments can be measured above some momentum cut.
Titel des Konferenzbandes
Nuclear Physics A
Serien- oder Zeitschriftentitel
Page URI
Borghini N, Wiedemann UA. Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium. In: Nuclear Physics A. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. Vol 774. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV; 2006: 549-552.
Borghini, N., & Wiedemann, U. A. (2006). Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium. Nuclear Physics A, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, 774, 549-552. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
Borghini, Nicolas, and Wiedemann, Urs Achim. 2006. “Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium”. In Nuclear Physics A, 774:549-552. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV.
Borghini, N., and Wiedemann, U. A. (2006). “Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium” in Nuclear Physics A NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, vol. 774, (ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV), 549-552.
Borghini, N., & Wiedemann, U.A., 2006. Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium. In Nuclear Physics A. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. no.774 ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, pp. 549-552.
N. Borghini and U.A. Wiedemann, “Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium”, Nuclear Physics A, NUCLEAR PHYSICS A, vol. 774, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2006, pp.549-552.
Borghini, N., Wiedemann, U.A.: Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium. Nuclear Physics A. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 774, p. 549-552. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV (2006).
Borghini, Nicolas, and Wiedemann, Urs Achim. “Multiplicity distributions for jet parton showers in a medium”. Nuclear Physics A. ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2006.Vol. 774. NUCLEAR PHYSICS A. 549-552.
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arXiv: hep-ph/0509364
Inspire: 693759
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