Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes

Liu T, Imber B, Diemann E, Liu G, Cokleski K, li HL, Chen Z, Müller A (2006)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Liu, Tianbo; Imber, Brandon; Diemann, EkkehardUniBi; Liu, Guang; Cokleski, Katrina; li, Huin Li; Chen, Zhiqiang; Müller, AchimUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
The solution behavior of the largest inorganic acid known thus far, the neutral, spherical iron/molybdenum/oxide nanocluster {Mo72Fe30} (equivalent to{(Mo-VI)Mo-5(VI)}(12)Fe-30(III) 1a), including the pH-controlled deprotonation, is reported. The acidic properties are due to the 30 peripheral, weakly acidic Fe-III(H2O) groups that form a unique Archimedean solid with all edges and dihedral angles being equal, the icosidodecahedron, and therefore an "isotropic" surface. Interestingly, the aqueous solutions are stable even for months because of the inertness of the spherical solutes and the presence of the hard FeIII and Mo-VI centers. The stability can be nicely proven by the very characteristic Raman spectrum showing, because of the (approximately) icosahedral symmetry, only a few lines. Whereas the {Mo72Fe30} clusters exist as discrete, almost neutral, molecules in aqueous solution at pH < 2.9, they get deprotonated and self-associate into single-layer blackberry-type structures at higher pH while the assembly process (i.e., the size of the final species) can be controlled by the pH values; this allows the deliberate generation of differently sized nanoparticles, a long-term goal in nanoscience. The average hydrodynamic radius (R-h) of the self-assembled structures decreases monotonically with increasing number of charges on the {Mo72Fe30} macroanions (from similar to 45 nm at pH similar to 3.0 to similar to 15 nm at pH approximate to 6.6), as studied by laser light scattering and TEM techniques. The {Mo72Fe30} macroions with high-stability tunable charges/surfaces, equal shape, and masses provide models for the understanding of more complex polyelectrolyte solutions while the controllable association and dissociation reported here of the assembled soft magnetic materials with tuneable sizes could be interesting for practical applications.
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Liu T, Imber B, Diemann E, et al. Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2006;128(49):15914-15920.
Liu, T., Imber, B., Diemann, E., Liu, G., Cokleski, K., li, H. L., Chen, Z., et al. (2006). Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 128(49), 15914-15920.
Liu, Tianbo, Imber, Brandon, Diemann, Ekkehard, Liu, Guang, Cokleski, Katrina, li, Huin Li, Chen, Zhiqiang, and Müller, Achim. 2006. “Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes”. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 128 (49): 15914-15920.
Liu, T., Imber, B., Diemann, E., Liu, G., Cokleski, K., li, H. L., Chen, Z., and Müller, A. (2006). Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 128, 15914-15920.
Liu, T., et al., 2006. Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, 128(49), p 15914-15920.
T. Liu, et al., “Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes”, JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 128, 2006, pp. 15914-15920.
Liu, T., Imber, B., Diemann, E., Liu, G., Cokleski, K., li, H.L., Chen, Z., Müller, A.: Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 128, 15914-15920 (2006).
Liu, Tianbo, Imber, Brandon, Diemann, Ekkehard, Liu, Guang, Cokleski, Katrina, li, Huin Li, Chen, Zhiqiang, and Müller, Achim. “Deprotonations and charges of well-defined {Mo72Fe30} nanoacids simply stepwise tuned by pH allow control/variation of related self-assembly processes”. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 128.49 (2006): 15914-15920.

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