Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes

Kuck D (2006)
CHEMICAL REVIEWS 106(12): 4885-4925.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kuck D. Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes. CHEMICAL REVIEWS. 2006;106(12):4885-4925.
Kuck, D. (2006). Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 106(12), 4885-4925.
Kuck, Dietmar. 2006. “Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes”. CHEMICAL REVIEWS 106 (12): 4885-4925.
Kuck, D. (2006). Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes. CHEMICAL REVIEWS 106, 4885-4925.
Kuck, D., 2006. Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, 106(12), p 4885-4925.
D. Kuck, “Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes”, CHEMICAL REVIEWS, vol. 106, 2006, pp. 4885-4925.
Kuck, D.: Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes. CHEMICAL REVIEWS. 106, 4885-4925 (2006).
Kuck, Dietmar. “Three-dimensional hydrocarbon cores based on multiply fused cyclopentane and indane units: Centropolyindanes”. CHEMICAL REVIEWS 106.12 (2006): 4885-4925.

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