ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays

Khan IA, Husemann P, Campbell L, White NS, White RJ, Smith PJ, Errington RJ (2007)
CELL CYCLE 6(7): 868-874.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Khan, Imtiaz A.; Husemann, PeterUniBi; Campbell, Lee; White, Nick S.; White, Richard J.; Smith, Paul J.; Errington, Rachel J.
timelapse microscopy; bioinformatics; database; anticancer drug; cell lineage
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Khan IA, Husemann P, Campbell L, et al. ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays. CELL CYCLE. 2007;6(7):868-874.
Khan, I. A., Husemann, P., Campbell, L., White, N. S., White, R. J., Smith, P. J., & Errington, R. J. (2007). ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays. CELL CYCLE, 6(7), 868-874.
Khan, Imtiaz A., Husemann, Peter, Campbell, Lee, White, Nick S., White, Richard J., Smith, Paul J., and Errington, Rachel J. 2007. “ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays”. CELL CYCLE 6 (7): 868-874.
Khan, I. A., Husemann, P., Campbell, L., White, N. S., White, R. J., Smith, P. J., and Errington, R. J. (2007). ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays. CELL CYCLE 6, 868-874.
Khan, I.A., et al., 2007. ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays. CELL CYCLE, 6(7), p 868-874.
I.A. Khan, et al., “ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays”, CELL CYCLE, vol. 6, 2007, pp. 868-874.
Khan, I.A., Husemann, P., Campbell, L., White, N.S., White, R.J., Smith, P.J., Errington, R.J.: ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays. CELL CYCLE. 6, 868-874 (2007).
Khan, Imtiaz A., Husemann, Peter, Campbell, Lee, White, Nick S., White, Richard J., Smith, Paul J., and Errington, Rachel J. “ProgeniDB - A novel cell lineage database for generation associated phenotypic behavior in cell-based assays”. CELL CYCLE 6.7 (2007): 868-874.

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