Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism
Kurtz R (2007)
NEUROSCIENCE 146(2): 573-583.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

caged Ca2+;
visual system;
input resistance
Page URI
Kurtz R. Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism. NEUROSCIENCE. 2007;146(2):573-583.
Kurtz, R. (2007). Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism. NEUROSCIENCE, 146(2), 573-583.
Kurtz, Rafael. 2007. “Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism”. NEUROSCIENCE 146 (2): 573-583.
Kurtz, R. (2007). Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism. NEUROSCIENCE 146, 573-583.
Kurtz, R., 2007. Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism. NEUROSCIENCE, 146(2), p 573-583.
R. Kurtz, “Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism”, NEUROSCIENCE, vol. 146, 2007, pp. 573-583.
Kurtz, R.: Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism. NEUROSCIENCE. 146, 573-583 (2007).
Kurtz, Rafael. “Direction-selective adaptation in fly visual motion-sensitive neurons is generated by an intrinsic conductance-based mechanism”. NEUROSCIENCE 146.2 (2007): 573-583.
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