Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention

Spallek J, Razum O (2007)
MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK 102(6): 451-456.

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Abstract / Bemerkung
A large and increasing part of the German population has a migrant background. These persons may show major differences in their lifestyle, health beliefs and risk factors compared to the autochthonous German population. This can have a significant impact on the access of migrants to the health system and their participation in prevention programs. To increase the uptake of prevention programs, barriers must be identified and approaches to reduce them should be developed. In Germany, there is a need for prevention programs addressing migrants that are large-scale, evidence-based, sustainable and regularly evaluated.
migrant health; prevention
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Spallek J, Razum O. Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention. MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK. 2007;102(6):451-456.
Spallek, J., & Razum, O. (2007). Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention. MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK, 102(6), 451-456.
Spallek, Jacob, and Razum, Oliver. 2007. “Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention”. MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK 102 (6): 451-456.
Spallek, J., and Razum, O. (2007). Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention. MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK 102, 451-456.
Spallek, J., & Razum, O., 2007. Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention. MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK, 102(6), p 451-456.
J. Spallek and O. Razum, “Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention”, MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK, vol. 102, 2007, pp. 451-456.
Spallek, J., Razum, O.: Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention. MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK. 102, 451-456 (2007).
Spallek, Jacob, and Razum, Oliver. “Health of migrants: Deficiencies in the field of prevention”. MEDIZINISCHE KLINIK 102.6 (2007): 451-456.

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