The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data

Zick A, Wolf C, Küpper B, Davidov E, Schmidt P, Heitmeyer W (2008)
Journal of Social Issues 64(2): 363-383.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Different types of prejudice are usually treated as separate constructs. We propose that they constitute a syndrome of group-focused enmity (GFE), that is, they are related to each other and share a common core that is strongly predicted by a generalized ideology of inequality. Furthermore, GFE components are supposed to have similar predictors and outcomes. An empirical test is presented using structural equation modeling on the syndrome, its causes, consequences, and structural stability over time. The study relies on three German cross-sectional probability samples (each N = 2,700) and a related panel study (2002, 2003, and 2004). The idea of a GFE syndrome is strongly supported. Future research is discussed, as well as alternative approaches of a common prejudice factor.
social psychology; research methods; prejudice; Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit; Forschungsmethoden; Sozialpsychologie; group-focused enmity; Vorurteil
Journal of Social Issues
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Zick A, Wolf C, Küpper B, Davidov E, Schmidt P, Heitmeyer W. The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data. Journal of Social Issues . 2008;64(2):363-383.
Zick, A., Wolf, C., Küpper, B., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., & Heitmeyer, W. (2008). The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data. Journal of Social Issues , 64(2), 363-383.
Zick, Andreas, Wolf, Carina, Küpper, Beate, Davidov, Eldad, Schmidt, Peter, and Heitmeyer, Wilhelm. 2008. “The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data”. Journal of Social Issues 64 (2): 363-383.
Zick, A., Wolf, C., Küpper, B., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., and Heitmeyer, W. (2008). The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data. Journal of Social Issues 64, 363-383.
Zick, A., et al., 2008. The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data. Journal of Social Issues , 64(2), p 363-383.
A. Zick, et al., “The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data”, Journal of Social Issues , vol. 64, 2008, pp. 363-383.
Zick, A., Wolf, C., Küpper, B., Davidov, E., Schmidt, P., Heitmeyer, W.: The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data. Journal of Social Issues . 64, 363-383 (2008).
Zick, Andreas, Wolf, Carina, Küpper, Beate, Davidov, Eldad, Schmidt, Peter, and Heitmeyer, Wilhelm. “The syndrome of group-focused enmity: The interrelation of prejudices tested with multiple cross-sectional and panel data”. Journal of Social Issues 64.2 (2008): 363-383.

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