Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly
Kalb J, Egelhaaf M, Kurtz R (2008)
Vision Research 48(16): 1735-1742.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

sensory systems;
visual motion
Vision Research
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Kalb J, Egelhaaf M, Kurtz R. Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly. Vision Research. 2008;48(16):1735-1742.
Kalb, J., Egelhaaf, M., & Kurtz, R. (2008). Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly. Vision Research, 48(16), 1735-1742.
Kalb, Julia, Egelhaaf, Martin, and Kurtz, Rafael. 2008. “Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly”. Vision Research 48 (16): 1735-1742.
Kalb, J., Egelhaaf, M., and Kurtz, R. (2008). Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly. Vision Research 48, 1735-1742.
Kalb, J., Egelhaaf, M., & Kurtz, R., 2008. Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly. Vision Research, 48(16), p 1735-1742.
J. Kalb, M. Egelhaaf, and R. Kurtz, “Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly”, Vision Research, vol. 48, 2008, pp. 1735-1742.
Kalb, J., Egelhaaf, M., Kurtz, R.: Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly. Vision Research. 48, 1735-1742 (2008).
Kalb, Julia, Egelhaaf, Martin, and Kurtz, Rafael. “Adaptation changes directional sensitivity in a visual motion-sensitive neuron of the fly”. Vision Research 48.16 (2008): 1735-1742.
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7 Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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